[hider=Tenrei Yuuyami] [b][url=http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=50099555]Appearance:[/url][/b] Despite all the training that the Daedalus program subjects receive as 'basic training', Rei looks nothing like a soldier meant for the battlefield. Pale and delicate in appearance, combined with her slightly shorter than average height, makes her seem almost like a doll. Always wearing her hair in a pony tail, the color a bluish silver, with red highlights towards the end. Also, despite having two different eye colors, those are natural, she's a heterochromic. During her more whimsical times, whenever she smiles, it gives of an appearance of a jester, with mischief dancing in her eyes. During times when she flips, she appears more like a mechanical doll. [b]Name:[/b] Tenrei Yuuyami, Rei for short [b]Call sign:[/b] Void [b]ID TAG:[/b] 442564 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Psychological Record:[/b] Rei flips back and forth between two personalities, which is evident right before debriefing. Although one is merely a 'mask', or a facade, it is still difficult to realize this. Her true personality is laid back, relaxed, and whimsical, and almost cat-like. Her actions and her words will be thought up on the spot, with zero filters of any kind, bringing about troubles with her honest thoughts. However, the moment the order to mobilize is called for, Rei's personality flips, becoming apathetic, with an overly realistic view of the world around her, to the point where she seemingly borderlines nihilism. Be wary of her sharp tongue, pessimistic opinions, and most importantly, reckless combat methods that borderline suicidal. It is extremely hard to break her back down to her real self quickly, as it takes downtime after the mission for her to slowly thaw out. Unfortunately, there seems to be an ever growing problem. Rei does not understand what it means to develop relations with others. She can communicate, but she is unable to understand emotions. Being surrounded by in animated objects and researchers does not allow one to know what it means to feel sad, to feel happy. She can only organize the feelings of others into categories of 'friendly', 'neutral', and 'hostile'. [b]The First Ten Years:[/b] From a young age, Rei had less than average interest in the usual training that everyone was forced to do. No matter what, she seemed to take basic training as something that was wrong, that wasn't meant for her. Of course, this angered the higher-ups. However, she had caught their interest, when during one of the psychological tests, Rei had answered every question. Without giving time for the psychologist to even ask. She had memorized the multitude of questions with only several sessions. While she had only average fighting capabilities, her mental capabilities were on top. Choosing to refine that strength, they tested her, giving her many papers to memorize, ranging from blueprints of vehicles and weaponry, to charts and data. No only did she easily memorize it all, she was capable of adapting her knowledge, akin to the knowledge of fixing the transmission of a car, being used to fix a tank. Anything technologically or mechanically related, Rei was capable of utilizing. Unfortunately, due her her unusual pathway, Rei did not develop social skills nor understand herself. While she can still communicate with others, it isn't at an intimate level exactly. It's more akin to a bunch of 1's and 0's being transferred. [b]Cybernetic Augmentations:[/b] A wireless neural implant that connects to a durable collar on her neck. The collar acts as an antenna and holographic projectors for the neural implant. While the holoscreens are actually intangible, and she recently learned how to create the image of the screen mentally and work with them inside her mind, her habit generally trumps over, using the holoscreens akin to a touchscreen. Granted, the holoscreens are a good alternative to printing out maps during debriefing. Through the collar, Rei is capable of wirelessly connecting to any system that is broadcasting. Even closed systems she can access, so long as she manages to break through the firewalls and digital defenses. Out on the field, she is capable of either sending out pulses, akin to a radar, from the collar, before broadcasting the resulting image to other view holoscreen. This enables her to technically 'see' in zero visibility conditions. However, the pulses are detectable, and can possibly alert any hostiles. In the worst case scenario, it also functions as an EMP, although this fries the collar. In technicality, without the collar, the neural implant can still function, but lacks the scanning and EMP capabilities, as well as being shorter in range. [b]Combat Role:[/b] Communications, EW, and Engineer. Compared to the other's in the Daedalus program, Rei is not as capable in direct combat. Her specialty lies in supporting others, through sorting out jumbled information from multiple teammates, to piloting and repairing most vehicles on the fly, and even through wireless electronical warfare. However, at the odd times where she is required to fight, she seems to be able to hold her own well enough with the standard Hawke MkIII's [b]Loadout:[/b] Although not a specialized combatant, Rei carries around the basic loud out of dual Hawke MkIII's, modified with extended magazines, alongside a large pack filled with tools required for repairing a multitude of machinery. [/hider]