[center][img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/03f8/th/pre/i/2014/210/3/e/commish_for_dashkachi_by_wooyoona-d7stkkq.png[/img] [color=skyblue]"Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again."[/color] [color=skyblue]Name;[/color] Azome [color=skyblue]Nickname;[/color] Zoe [color=skyblue]Age;[/color] 25 [color=skyblue]Gender;[/color] Female [color=skyblue]Sexuality;[/color] Heterosexual [color=skyblue]Primary Element;[/color] Waterbending [color=skyblue]Secondary Element;[/color] Healing [color=skyblue]In-depth Appearance;[/color] Azome stands at a height of 5 feet and 8 inches (173cm) and weighs in at 129lbs (58kg). She has a thin build with a slight curve to her hips, average bust, and minimal muscular strength. She has dark ebony hair that falls down to the small of her back. She always has tied back from her face, often set in long braids that are fastened at the ends. Her eyes are almond shaped and an ice blue color, giving her a rather intimidating gaze. A thin set of lips and long straight nose compliment her slim face well, overall giving her a very sharp look. Her clothing match the colors of a typical Water Tribe individual, though she keeps her clothing lighter than usual as she is not very affected by the cold. She typically wears the same outfit, not sporting any kind of jewelry other than a thin headband, and a pouch to carry water in as accessory. [color=skyblue]Likes;[/color] Long Quiet Walks Hot Soup or Tea Music/Dancing Meeting New People A Full Moon [color=skyblue]Dislikes;[/color] Hot Weather Little Children Most Insects/ Small Animals Eating Meat FISHING!!! [color=skyblue]Habits;[/color] Biting Her Lip Swearing Humming to herself [color=skyblue]Fears;[/color] Thunderstorms Small Spaces Death [color=skyblue]Personality;[/color] Azome has a kind personality that allows her to get along with nearly anyone. She is unlike the aloof or closed off type one would assume her to be based on her looks. Azome has managed to keep her same bubbly personality that keeps people wanting to know her, despite growing up secluded from most of the world, even other Water Tribes. She is tough at heart, determined, and stubborn, If she doesn't get what she wants right away, she will fight and fight, never letting up until she gets it. Though it once was easy to upset her, or get her to cry, it is much more difficult now. After years of trying to learn patience and control over her emotions, she had finally succeeded in such and is more laid back than she used to be. She has an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable by being bluntly honest, or rather embarrassingly honest, though with a bit of humor always tossed in. If she finds herself stuck in an embarrassing situation, she'll easily lie or laugh her way out of it. She is completely carefree and rarely seems anxious or under stress, even under difficult circumstances. Azome is very good at comforting others and is usually quite a joy to be around. She has extremely well-developed senses and an aesthetic appreciation for beauty, finding most things rather 'exciting to look at' as she would say. She's not interested in leading or controlling others, but more wanting to make sure everyone is safe and happy, even if that means her own happiness is challenged. She is flexible and open-minded about other people lives, traditions, stories, etc... She is also original and very creative and enjoys creating ice sculptures. As a Bender, Azome is a quick thinker, unpredictable, and she hits hard every time, never letting up when faced with tough challenges. She refuses to ever let down anyone, and is extremely loyal. She can be trusted to follow through with tough tasks without hesitation. [color=skyblue]History;[/color] Azome was born in the Northern Water Tribe to a man and woman who told her that the key to survival was to ignore things going on in the land, and to look towards the unchanging sea. From an early age, Azome was adept in Waterbending. Both her parents being benders, she was able to learn from their strict rules and harsh training techniques to master the skill in a short amount of time. She was at a young age, moulded to be the perfect fighting machine, often wondering why her parents bothered to train her so desperately, if they believed in staying out of fights. She was always told, over and over by her parents: [color=skyblue]"Water is clear... passive. It takes on the color of its surroundings. To survive, we must be the color of water and do the same as it does. Blend in when we need to, and be fierce when our way of life is threatened."[/color] This confused the young Azome as it seemed her parents were contradicting themselves. She wouldn't come to know the deep meaning of this until much, much later in her life. While her parents kept her mainly secluded from the rest of the world, Azome would sometimes manage to sneak away, out of the Tribe's main town to explore the world around her, a little at a time. When she was twelve years old, she met a baby Polar Leopard while exploring the near lands around the Northern Tribe. After attempting to heal the little creature with her bending, she realized she was not yet proficient enough to do so, and so she carried the little thing back home, protecting it from a heavy storm and trudging through the snow for hours after getting lost. When she arrived back, exhausted and freezing, both of them were treated. Azome being healed and given warm soup, and the little cub given a splint for the broken foot it had suffered. The two spent some days together until they were fully healed, but then her parents ordered her to take the thing back to the wild. Obedient as she was, Azome would reluctantly take the creature back where she had found it, and together they searched for its mother, in the end not finding it. Deciding then that she would take on the responsibility of it and managing to convince her parents of this, she named the cub Kavi, and the two would grow up together, inseparable even to this day. As Azome would slowly grow up, her need to explore the world outside the tribe grew with her. Always she challenged her parents and the Tribe leaders what the worst would happen if she were to go on a journey; explaining to them that she could take care of herself. Always she would get a no, being threatened to be banished if she broke this rule. Later learning that this was due the unsettling state of the world and the bonds between nations, Azome felt a deep need to try and unite the nations, so that the world could be more accessible to all. With this thought in mind, at her 24th birthday, she went to the Tribe leaders and told them she would leave with or without their permission. Accepting their rejection and banishment, Azome left the Northern Tribe along with Kavi, and the two have since been roaming about. It was when she was staying at a small Water Tribe settlement near a river, that she heard talk of an organization that was planning to do something about the state of things in the world. Determined to also make a difference, Azome decided she would join and fight to change the world. [color=skyblue]Extra;[/color] Azome has a pet Polar Leopard named Kavi - Male - About half the size of Naga, can carry up to two people. [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/d79a/i/2012/161/9/6/polar_leopard_by_sevenfawm-d52z87u.png[/img] My favorite character is Jinora because she has the name of my little sister! [/center]