[color=olive][center][img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Spain.600.223175.jpg[/img] [color=Olive][i]"This is my war as much as it is yours, and I want to fight!"[/i][/color][/center] [color=Olive][b]Name;[/b] Tyko [/color] [color=Olive][b]Nickname;[/b] Sandtrap[/color] [color=Olive][b]Age;[/b] 20[/color] [color=Olive][b]Gender;[/b] Male[/color] [color=Olive][b]Sexuality;[/b] Bisexual[/color] [color=Olive][b]Primary Element;[/b] Earth[/color] [color=Olive][b]Secondary Element;[/b] Sand bending and seismic sense. [/color] [color=Olive][b]In-depth Appearance;[/b][/color] Tyko is a short but sturdy fellow, with a lithe frame, a head of dark brown hair and very mossy green eyes. He has a lighter complexion, with very rosy skin and little brown freckles that often appear on his shoulders and nose when he’s been in the sun for a long time. Shoes are a rarity for him, and he prefers wearing more airy and breathable clothes. Although color doesn’t really matter to him, he favors greens and browns. [color=Olive][b]Likes;[/b][/color] - Turtle ducks - Animals in general really - Heights - Tea and snacks - Sand-sailing - His parents - Keeping busy/having something productive to do - The feeling of hot sand on his feet - Freedom [color=Olive][b]Dislikes;[/b][/color] - Restrictions/being told what to do - Dead silence (will jabber to himself to fill it) - Sunburns (he doesn’t tan very easily) - His loved ones being anything but happy - Swamps (he fell in one once; never again) - Cold weather - Any sort of disrespect to the people he cares for [color=Olive][b]Habits;[/b][/color] - Asking a lot of questions - Forgetting that not everyone is trustworthy - Leaving sand everywhere [color=Olive][b]Fears;[/b][/color] - Being trapped underwater/ suffocating - Small, confined places. - Loss - Bugs (but he’s too nice to ever squish them) [color=Olive][b]Personality;[/b][/color] Having always been very independent, Tyko is a very energetic and mischievous individual with bit of a rebellious streak. With him, what you see is what you get: a tactless, rash, loud idiot who speaks his mind far more than he should and who doesn't often think before he speaks. He has an odd sort of charm to him though, which often makes it hard for people to stay angry at him for long. Tyko has always been a very empathetic person, with a strong moral compass and absolutely no patience for cruelty. Although he won’t go looking for a fight, he isn’t afraid to stand up to others, even if there’s a good chance he’ll get the snot beat out of him for it. He’s scrappy, despite his size, but just a bit too stubborn. Tyko is also very loyal, to the point of being a bit protective, and is surprisingly dependable. He’s the sort of person who you could come to with anything and know he’d have your back. He likes spending time with his friends and makes a lot of dumb jokes, so he’s a pretty easy guy to get along with. All in all, he’s an obnoxious idiot with no verbal filter or sense of danger, but he’s also the kind of idiot who couldn’t refuse a friend even if he wanted to. [color=Olive]History;[/color] Tyko was born in a large earth tribe city built around an oasis located a few miles into a large desert. There, he was raised by his parents, an older couple who ran a small tea shop on the edge of the city. They were kind people who didn’t believe in discrimination between the elements, and often taught Tyko that all people should be treated equal. Tyko took their teachings very seriously as a kid, and often got into fights with bullies and street thugs because of it. He had the worst luck, and always managed to find himself in some sort of scuffle, even when he often didn’t start them himself. That’s how he first discovered his ability to bend, too. He’d found himself in a small tussle with a fire bender when the fool started acting reckless, shooting off fire like it was his job. A stray shot was fired near a few civilians and somehow, Tyko managed to block it with a shottily build wall of hardened sand. He can’t even recall how exactly he did it, only that he panicked and waved his arms and suddenly there was a wall of sand. The fire bender ran off while Tyko was in a daze, completely dumbfounded and almost in denial that he could bend. The boy’s parents were very supportive when he told them about the event, and wasted no time finding him a teacher. He spent the next few months with a man named Garai, who despite being a huge grump, was a pretty good teacher. He only taught Tyko the basics before he let the brat loose to train on his own in the deserts. By the time he was sixteen, he was a decently proficient earth bender with a knack for kicking up sandstorms whenever he got into fights. It was around then that he picked up his nickname, Sandtrap, courtesy of his mother, who got tired of finding piles of sand in his bedroom and laundry. At his seventeenth year, his parents gifted him with his very own sand-sailor with the hope that it’d be an outlet that would lead him away from fighting in the city. It did, somewhat, and helped to fine tune his sand-bending skills. After spending months drifting through the desert, he eventually began to pick up on an ability to use seismic sense. It was only slight at first, like looking through a very foggy, broken window, but the more he tried to see with his bending, the clearer things became. Maybe a little over a year later and he’d practiced enough to be considered proficient in that as well, much to his parents (and older teacher’s) surprise. A lot of his time after that was spent exploring the deserts and helping out his parents at the tea shop. Eventually, when Tyko was 19, he found himself an opportunity to join The White Lotus. Most people in the city spoke rumors that the group was just a make-shift army of terrorists and cut throats, and that they wouldn’t do any by bringing together the four elements. Tyko’s parents spoke less about The White Lotus, but disagreed with a lot of the rumors that were spread about them. They were older folks, and by no means willing to fight in a war, but believed that those who were had to be good people. They were oddly adamant about their son staying out of the fray though, worried that they’d lose their only boy to a bloody war. It took him maybe a week to decide from there, after which he accepted the offer made and joined The White Lotus. He hasn’t told his parents, and has made no plans to in order to avoid making them worry. [color=Olive][b]Extra:[/b] Definately Zuko. His character development was brilliant. [/color][/color]