[center][img]http://img13.deviantart.net/7242/i/2011/231/0/d/airbender___gianne_by_airgirl39-d474gg9.jpg[/img] [color=Wheat]"Can you hear it, the voice of the Wind?"[/color][/center] [hr] [hr] [color=Wheat]Name:[/color] Kira Jhong [color=Wheat]Nickname:[/color] N/A [color=Wheat]Age:[/color] 21 [color=Wheat]Gender:[/color] Female [color=Wheat]Sexuality:[/color] Bisexual [color=Wheat]Primary Element:[/color] Air [color=Wheat]Secondary Element:[/color] Spiritual Projection [hr] [color=Wheat]In-depth Appearance:[/color] Kira stands at a rather short four feet and seven inches and weighs a very lithe hundred and twenty-one pounds. Her eyes are a bright, sky blue color that almost look like they are reflecting the very color of the sky itself. Her hair is long enough to reach nearly the middle of her back though she normally keeps it in a braid. Kira's clothing, like all other air nomad clothing, is very loose and free flowing. She normally wears a pair of loose pants which grip at her heels with a clasp and two long sashes which run down from her left shoulder and are bound at her hips by a leather belt but billow out underneath around her legs. She wears cloth wraps around her feet and ankles instead of shoes since Kira's never quite liked the constricting feeling of the shoes. [hr] [color=Wheat]Likes:[/color] -Animals of all kinds. -Gliding -Sleeping -Traveling -Cooking [color=Wheat]Dislikes:[/color] -Control freaks -Loud people -Large cities -Swimming -Training [color=Wheat]Habits:[/color] -Kira tends to put herself in the middle of conversations for almost literally no reason. -Kira tends to joke around with literally everyone she meets. [color=Wheat]Fears:[/color] -Falling -Being too weak to help people -Being alone [hr] [color=Wheat]Personality:[/color] Kira is a free spirit, even more so than most airbenders are. She has never been one to listen to her Masters, often leaving classes to wander through the mountains and play with the young flying bison and winged lemurs which often lived near them. No matter how many times her Masters would chew her out from leaving classes, Kira kept leaving the extremely boring classes. This doesn't mean she didn't learn anything, of course. There were times when Kira actually didn't want to leave classes and would simply sit and listen for her thirst for knowledge was nearly balanced out by her want to be completely free. She's always been a calm girl and has never been one to get into a fight even despite how many times people mock her. But, she doesn't allow anybody to abuse or treat animals and pets harshly for, in her eyes, animals are the pinnacle of freedom. Oddly enough, Kira holds a grudge against people for basically all of time and doesn't let go of the grudge easily. While it seems like being on Kira's bad side isn't too bad, it is possible the worst thing a person wants to do. She can be quite agressive when angered, despite how hard that is to do. Yet, Kira is quite good at calming down after a fight and staying calm. She never expresses when she is stressed nor anxious and instead wears a mask hiding the emotions for the sake of others. Kira perfers to allow nobody to see any worry from her and likes to appear tough as rocks when people need her. [color=Wheat]History:[/color] Kira never knew her mother nor her father for she was left at a Southern air temple after her birth. But, her story is far from a tragedy. Her parents didn't leave her there because they didn't wanter her nor did they die in some sort of raid. Instead, Kira was left at the temple simply for the fact that she was to be trained to be an airbender. As per the practice of her parent's tribe, the first child of each family was to be given to a temple to raise for five years. If the child did not show any abilities in airbending, the tribe would be given back their child. But, if they child, like Kira, showed skill in airbending then they would stay and train with the monks until they were sixteen. Kira was one of six kids from the same tribe as her parents and one of two which had shown any skill in airbending. She grew up without knowing who her parents were, where their tribe went, or even knowing if she'd ever see them again. While the monks did explain the practice to Kira, she never quite accepted that any parent would willingly give up their child just in the case that the child could be an airbender. Kira would often leave classes or meditation only to be tracked down by a monk everytime and brought straight back. While she knew she shouldn't leave, Kira was unwilling to sit still every day and listen to the wind. Instead, she wanted to wander through a forest and hear the voice of the wind as it blew through the leaves. She was always a friend to the winged lemurs which lived in the forests and the flying bison which often lived with the monks. While other students wanted nothing to do with the winged lemurs, who were rather tricky little creatures and often stole food, Kira would run through the forest with them. At ten years of age, Kira had already shown skill several years ahead of fellow classmates despite the fact that she spent less than ten hours in classes a week. When one of her friends followed Kira into the forests, he found her meditating in total silence with lemurs sleeping around her. Apparently, Kira had spent her time meditating and listening to what she called the voice of the wind. The monks explained that Kira had the ability to project a spiritual form of herself into the world and travel outside her body that way and, as such, could listen to even the slightest wind. Kira could feel the wind as well as most of the younger monks who had already went through training could. It was easy for her to manipulate the wind with her training and could even use the air as a projectile to knock people down. Her hand-to-hand combat and agility was beyond people of the same age with more training for she was able to easily dodge most hits from her opponent and knock them down with a series of punches and sweeping kicks. After Kira turned sixteen, she was told she could leave or stay at the temple. She chose to leave the temple and travel the world with a small, winged lemur she had made friends with. After traveling for eight months, Kira joined The White Lotus in order to stop the war. [color=Wheat]Extra:[/color] I'd have to say that my favorite character is Zuko.