Ouch, that was [i]hot[/i]. Erin had to thank her heritage for giving her skin that tanned faster than it burned, but still, that hurt. She shook it off, almost taking a moment to register what Meltdown had screamed before instinctively launching herself up into the air when the bullets started flying. It was a conditioned response after years of running from gangs that wanted her and her brother dead: Erin hears a gunshot, Erin goes up. Robert had once said that most people expect evasive movement within the two dimensional plane most people were limited to, so being able to go up really threw people off. As Erin reached the apex of her vertical launch, she kicked herself backwards and to her left, hoping to get out of range of whoever the hell was shooting at her and get a moment to breathe. During her fell, she finally realized what Meltdown had said; cellphones? What did they have to do with anything? Erin was lost, but ignored Meltdown's order. She needed that to keep tabs on Robert. Upon hitting the ground, Erin glanced around for Meltdown and the other metahuman that was hanging around. Meltdown was making a break for the forest, and Erin could hear some screams in the distance. "Ah, shit," Erin muttered. From what it looked like, the rainbow-looking guy had the rescue deal under control. Meltdown and his apparent army of hazmat goons was the unaddressed issue. Fighting Meltdown would be impossible if Erin was getting shot at; she launched herself upwards into the air once more, followed quickly by a series of rapid air blasts towards the men in hazmat suits. As she launched herself down towards the unfortunate soul that was about to feel her heel to his chest, she caught a glimpse of the "Faraday Cage." What the fuck was a Faraday Cage? It was times like these Erin regretted not going to school. As the force of her aerial drop knocked out the attacker Erin had landed on, Erin launched herself towards the next one without missing a beat. She was on course to connect with him, but he took a carefully timed step back and she continued on, struggling to redirect before stumbling right before yet another hazmat wearing attacker. She braced herself as his arm extended and connected with her face, sending her sliding down to the ground. She quickly recovered and launched herself up once more, evading further attacks. [hr] For once, Robert Hernandez had a plan. Before, his escapades had been fueled by just rage, but this time, he was fueled by both rage and the confidence that this plan would work out without Erin interfering. And maybe at the end of the day, he'd be just a little bit richer. Robert grinned as he sent the doors to the Angel City Regional Bank flying in a shower of splinters, immediately triggering the alarms in the building. This was a hit that he had always dreamed of when he was with the gangs, and now he was finally capable of pulling it off. He launched himself to the first civilian within the building, a middle-aged businesswoman. Robert grabbed her in a headlock and placed one hand over her mouth, slowly compressing the air in her lungs and refusing her body access to it. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen! The Wrecker is back! You have about two minutes to give me, well, just about every fucking thing worth shit in here. Otherwise, this poor lady dies a pretty gruesome death, and I start breaking shit and killing more people. How does that sound?" He removed his hand from the woman's mouth, still holding her in the headlock. For emphasis, he lifted his free hand at the nearest wall-mounted security camera and sent an air blast at it, the wall of force tearing a hole in the wall and sending the camera into the sky.