Name: Captain Salem Monroe A.K.A. The Pirate King Age: 35 Magic: Storm Devil Slaying Magic Magic Level: S History: About eight years ago Salem and Sara met a young man about the age of sixteen. He was a scrappy lad and Sara liked him. She talked him in to join them on their outings and what not. They butted heads a lot Salem and the boy but Sara in time got them to at least tolerate each other. For the most part they are friends but rivals at the same time. One night 2 years after they had met, they all got together. Salem had come across a map that would lead them to a great treasure. They would all retire from a life of crime and set themselves up somewhere nice…or so they thought. Upon taking this quest they found themselves in many dangerous perils that tested each of them. Finally they got the place that held the great treasure. In a cave there was a giant ship. Bigger than any of them have ever seen before, on it was the treasure. Gold mounds piled everywhere and in the captain’s cabin sitting on the dead skeletal captain’s lap they found a chest. [hider=Demon chest] [img][/img] [/hider] It should have been a hint that the captain’s bones were deformed and his teeth sharper with horns protruding from his skull that they shouldn’t open it but they did. Out came two greater demons who thanked them for releasing them by cursing each of them. Salem and Bel had gotten blasted back upon opening the chest and demonic power flowed through them. Then Sara disintegrated before their eyes and the demon shouted that she would forever be bound to the ship. Suddenly noticing that the two men had fragments of their own power and knew full well that it meant that they could be killed by them the two demons place a curse each on them for being able to use their power. Salem who received the power of the storm demon and was cursed with with having to feed on electrical and magical energy of others every twenty-four hours. He found this out during the first twenty-four hours he was cursed. He killed the person that he fed off of but didn't mean to. To this day he has killed four people that way. Other times he finds ways to feed or feeds off more than one person so that he doesn't drain them all. His hunger gets worse the more magic power he expends. Personality: Salem is a man of his word. He looks out for his guild even if it meant putting himself in harms way. He has his days where he wants nothing to do with anyone though. His past haunts him and is going to do everything he can for an old friend. Team Members:His guild, but mainly Bel and Sara Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Compelling Speaker 2. Has a deep understanding of magic, and how other magics work. 3. Atoning for his past. Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1.Will protect Bel and his ship at all costs 2. Cursed with having to keep himself alive every twenty-four hours by having to feed on another person’s electrical energy as well as their magic energy. 3. Treasure, he will do almost anything to get a hold of treasure especially if it means that it gets him one step closer to getting rid of the curses on him and his friends. Greatest Love: His ship, friends, and his guild. Motivation: Treasure and to kill or trap the demons that he released Appearance: [hider=Captain Salem] [Img][/img] [/hider] Additional Details: