Well, I'm already planning on GM-ing something like this, but fuck it. My current dude idea (simplistic, I know, but this is what happens when I shit something out in three minutes): [hider=Dood] Name: Harold Koehler Appearance: A tall, tanned, lankier individual, Harold is quite imposing. He has a constant frown on his face, and has a few scars from his time in a street-gang. Even when happy, he simply can't smile. Age: 16 Personality: He's a quiet young man, and in combat simply desires an enjoyable fight, and then go to home. His nerve damage scares him, he feels like one of his few ways to communicate 'properly' is simply gone. He thinks he's just a little bit less human. The nerve damage also makes him punch-drunk, in public he doesn't seem to care. He used to idolize his older sister before she died, but with her gone he sub-consciously seeks a substitute. On a mission, he's a great example of a berserking beast: very adept at dodging shots with his Framewerk and hitting the enemy somewhere important very, very hard. Yet, when he's 'on-base', he turns into a lazy, antisocial, nervous ass. He's easily bored by small talk and by other human beings. But for all of his problems, he [i]does[/i] care. He doesn't want anyone else to die and to feel the pain he did, he simply wants to remove the Cruxi, and hopefully usher a new age of peace. Getting recognition and fame for that would be good too, though! Primary Motives: Revenge for his sisters' death, and to enjoy himself a little on the field of battle. Background: Somewhat mysterious, but he's definitely from a more urbanized planet/area, and he's the son of a fairly rich couple. It's known he was in some sort of street gang, and has acquired very good melee skills. His sister, who he idolized, died when she was sent off to war to fight the first 'wave' of Cruxi. He wishes to avenge her. His time in a street-gang, and being hit in the face constantly, has damaged his nerves somewhat. Meaning he's a bit punch-drunk and may be severely confused when something highly unexpected occurs. Notable Deaths: During the war, his older sister died in military service. Other Things: Not really. Might think of something later. Framewerk: Code-Name: Roxy [hider=Appearance] [img]http://store.kotous.com/media/catalog/product/cache/2/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/d/e/detailed_image_2157.jpg[/img] [/hider] Primary Weapon: Mounted on the right arm and reflecting his combat style, a giant freaking stake-driver style weapon. Effectively a gun that fires a reuseable, anti-armor harpoon, instead of an actual 'bullet'. While it can be difficult to hit and it has short range, even for a melee weapon, if it does connect it's going to seriously fuck [i]something[/i] up. Secondary Weapons/Equipment: Additional thruster systems, and has a specifically designed shotgun, designed for maximum spread and pellet count. Panels can open up on its' frame, revealing high-thrust turning boosters for ultra-high-speed maneuvering during emergencies. Armor-Type: Light-Medium weight, fast, but still keeping some level of defense. Special ability: ??? [/hider] As I said, just shit this out in three or five minutes. I hope it's decent, if not, tell me what sucks, please.