[center][img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m95up0fEtz1rc5ovxo1_500.gif[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP9I8ZUwKpc]Imagine Dragons - Warriors[/url] || [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZEnQogAd8U]Fall Out Boy - Centuries[/url][/center][hr][hr] The Story: [center]The Legend of [color=Olive]Terra Chiu[/color].[/center] Before Avatar Aang and his successor Korra, there were many more. Recorded history, however, has a trail that fades away whilst tracing back in time. Going backwards, before Avatars Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, Yangchen and the unnamed Magma Bender, the Avatar Spirit was within an Earthbending host. This is hundreds of years before Aang triggered the Avatar State that would freeze him in a glacier for Sokka and Katara to find. Hundreds of years before Korra was even conceived. I take you back before recorded history in the world of Avatar faded away to the memories of the dead lurking the Spirit World. Dragons have not been hunted to near extinction, and the Air Nomads did not yet fall victim to the wrathful genocide the Fire Nation would inflict hundreds of years later. The world is at peace, or perhaps I have spoken too soon? The previous Avatar has passed away, and the new host has been chosen. Terra(the current Avatar) is the new host. At the time of her birth to twenty years later to when our RP will take place, the world has been threatened. An unknown villain has lead a force assumed to be chi blockers to destroy benders. They have gone to villages and towns to "purify" the gene pools. They, however, leave the leaders alive and, instead, removing their ability to bend. If you've nostalgia to the Legend of Korra, think again. It is said that a powerful chi blocker has mastered an ancient, forgotten art and is out to not destroy only the Avatar Spirit, but the notabilities and councils of the four nations so that the ancient art could again be dominant. And they are training more to fuel this unjust cause.[hr][hr] [h3][center]Rules:[/center][/h3] 1. Please respect the roleplay, rules, decisions and your fellow writing friends. 1a. If you have a gripe with someone, please solve the matter in private and do not display it on the OOC thread. 2. Have fun! 2a. We're all here for the same reasons and we all deserve to get together and create a collaborative story together. 3. DO NOT Godmod, Autohit and Metagame! 3a. Do these and you will be kicked from the roleplay immediately. 4. Please, please do not use one or two liners. 4a. I would like to see at least two to three good paragraphs from each writer. No less! 4b. Along with this, please use correct spelling and grammar. Occasional mistakes are okay but try not to make mistakes in every single post. 4c. I want to see detail in your posts, along with character development, thoughts and reactions. 5. Diversity keeps a roleplay entertaining! 5a. Please keep the gender ratio equal as possible. 5b. Have your characters come from various backgrounds and unique personalities. 6. Lastly, if life gets too hectic for you or you feel that you took on much, please let me know via PM. I will not hate you, I promise. :) 6a. To prove that you have read the rules, put your favorite avatar character in the Extra section of the Character Skeleton, please.[hr][hr] [h3][center]Roles:[/center][/h3] The Avatar - Taken. Water Bender - [color=blue]Blue[/color]. - Reserved. Earth Bender - [color=Olive]Olive[/color]. Reserved. Fire Bender - [color=Orange]Orange[/color]. - Reserved. Air Bender - [color=Wheat]Wheat[/color]. - Reserved. Weapons Master - [color=Silver]Silver[/color].[hr][hr] [center][h3]Character Skeleton[/h3] You may dress your character sheet anyway you like. Where you see Color=???, Put the color of your respective role, please.[/center] [code][center][img]Insert an Anime IMG or GIF here of your character[/img] [color=???]"Insert a Character Quote here."[/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=???]Name;[/color] [color=???]Nickname;[/color] Optional. [color=???]Age;[/color] [color=???]Gender;[/color] [color=???]Sexuality;[/color] [color=???]Primary Element;[/color] [color=???]Secondary Element;[/color] Optional. Everything acceptable except Bloodbending. [hr] [color=???]In-depth Appearance;[/color] At least a paragraph here. [hr] [color=???]Likes;[/color] At least 5. [color=???]Dislikes;[/color] At least 5. [color=???]Habits;[/color] At least 2. [color=???]Fears;[/color] At least 3. [hr] [color=???]Personality;[/color] At least a paragraph. [color=???]History;[/color] At least a paragraph. [color=???]Extra;[/color] Did you read the rules?[/code]