Name: Terrance Evans [Picture][hider=The PK Kid][img][/img][/hider] Age: 14 Gender: Male Hero Powers: Telepathy- Terrance is a very capable and versatile telepath. He's not the strongest in the world but where he lacks in raw power, he more than makes up for in versatility. Applications of telepathy include: Mind reading, mind wiping, astral projection, mental downloading, etc. Telekinesis- Terrance is also a very powerful telekinetic. Just like his telepathy, his telekinesis is very versatile and able to be applied through many ways. Examples would include: Shields, flight, moving objects, etc. Drawbacks- Though Terrance has a wide array of abilities under these powers, he does not have conscious access to them all while. He has trapped his own mind subconsciously and believes that the life that he is living is one big MMO game. He can not use all of abilities while he is under his own mental prison he has to "level up" to increase his abilities or learn a new move. He is able to "respec" his points before a mission or battle to shut off some powers in order to gain access to others. For example, in his mind if he knows that his character has access to powers in his telepathy and telekinesis trees but he's about to go and fight an army of robots then he can access "character power chart" and respec his points to where he no longer has telepathy, but now has more telekinesis moves. Telepathic Immunity- This is only active while he is awake and conscious. When he is asleep, another telepath could try to break into his mind and get past the blocks to pull him out of his dream world. When he is unconscious, all of his mental defenses are completely down and another telepath will have a much easier time reaching him. Weapons: Able to forge Telekinetic blades in his hands. Personality: The PK Kid is brave, courageous, eager for adventure and carries a strong love of justice. Terrance however is more introverted, lacks any sense of self-confidence and feels utterly useless and abandoned. He lives his life but he's not happy about it all unless he's playing a game. History: Raised as an army brat, Terrance was always moving around from state to state, city to city, country to country. He himself didn't do much moving since he was bound to a wheelchair all his life since birth. Terrance spent his time playing games and reading books so he could briefly be someone else that he was not. His powers were always lying latent in his body, they only lacked the will to bring them to the surface. This will surfaced when his father was arrested and imprisoned under false charges. His mother had gone "missing" as the government took her to a holding facility to interrogate her. Terrance felt betrayed by his own home government as he was forced into an orphanage in the last city that his father was based, Neo-Tokyo. The anger that boiled inside of him made him feel useless, weak and powerless. His powers awakened as he wished for himself to be lost, to be somewhere else, to just bury himself into one of his video games. Terrance was walking, levitating, flying and moving things with his mind, but in his mind, he was playing a video game. His mind snapped as his body healed. The world of Neo-Tokyo was his playground and he was going to play the hero and protect it like a super hero. Weakness: Base physical level of durability is only around peak human, though his durability to energy based attacks are higher, he's no tank. Easily manipulated while his mind is trapped. Other: I know this is an anime superhero rp, but it's so hard to find an anime picture of good quality of a young Black kid.