[center][h3][color=Silver]Leia Gao[/color][/h3][/center] A body could be seen outlining the covers that laid over the female in the bed. She stirred slightly while removing the covers from over her face with a slight huff. She loved early mornings but she felt that today was not the day. Leia had a weird feeling in her gut that something was going to happen but couldn't tell what. Her mother, Ling, came into her room and saw that she was up and decided to sit beside her and talk. It was the same talk every since she had came back home. Her mother was frightened about Leia being apart of the White Lotus but Leia promised her that she was going to be just fine. Her mother hugged her close and tight then raised up from her seated position and went back to cleaning the house. Leia plopped back down onto her bed for another few minutes then finally got up and got dressed. While slipping into the kitchen, her father, Jian, caught sight of her and muttered. [b][color=Olive]"Today is the day, huh?"[/color][/b] Leia raised a slight brow towards him as he turned his gaze towards her now, pointing his index finger for her to sit at the dining table. [b][color=Olive]"Leia.."[/color][/b] Jian sighed before continuing. [b][color=Olive]"Me and your mother support your decision but do you really think that they need a non bender to join their ranks?"[/color][/b] Jian questioned towards Leia. [b][color=Silver]"If they didn't, they would've never recruited me, don't you think?"[/color][/b] Ling and Jian looked at each other and nodded their heads. [b][color=green]"You're right. Have a good day and please, be safe."[/color][/b] Ling spoke as Leia darted out towards the door. She walked down the street, waving at Tyko as she passed by his home and smiled. She made a mental note to challenge him to a spar later on that day to see if his skills had improved or worsened. Honestly, she just wanted to beat him, once again. Leia continued her trek until a messaging boy came up to her and handed her a note. It was a letter for an important and mandatory White Lotus meeting at the White Lotus Camp, which was basically in the middle of nowhere in the ocean. Her emerald green eyes looked as Tyko received one as well. She nodded towards him before trekking off once again, getting herself a hot bowl of rice before the meeting. Leia ate while she walked then saw some criminals bullying a poor, innocent family for their merchandise. She immediately walked over there and stood her ground, handing her bowl of rice to nearby pedestrian. [b][color=Silver]"You guys are worthless. Pick on someone your own size."[/color][/b] After those words were said, she continued to stand her ground but placed her fists on her hips. Leia wasn't fixing to back down as she watch the criminals walk away. With a firm nod, she helped the family to get back their feet then went to the shoreline of the ocean. [b][color=Silver]"Hey, I need a canoe, please."[/color][/b] She said then threw down some coins as the merchant nodded and showed her the way towards the canoe and got it ready for her. [b][color=Silver]"Thanks."[/color][/b] Leia muttered as she pushed it into the water and began her journey towards the White Lotus Camp, which wasn't really that far but still, in the middle of nowhere.