Chilled Taryn crept through the factory. Her childish features were scarred by a pinch of fear, but shivering with cold. Although she was highly skeptical of her unusual travelling partners, it was still better than still being with the awful scientists. [color=6ecff6]"Say... have you got any kind of blanket or something? I'm cold"[/color] Her slight Russian accent made her question sound all the more sweet. Taryn being cold also completely froze her usually pretty bouncy mood. She was hungry and was still wearing some kind of lab coat she was put in by the scientists. [color=6ecff6]"If I may, I think I might be able to go out onto the streets to beg for some food."[/color], she suggested smiling weakly her dirtied face looking absolutely pitiful and her usually unblemished skin was littered with small cuts and bruises.