([@drummer-dan] please do not control the actions of the monsters. As you post is, this is an accurate representation of a mindless beast attacking whatever threatens it, however a Molboroba isn't just mindless. I don't want it to be a simple battle.) The brave warrior vaulting through the high tree canopy arrived at the battle scene just in time to see the monster ready to consume Wallace. The badger's magic hadn't worked correctly, only slowing the creature's mind instead of putting it to sleep. Then the roar of the warrior caught it's attention. It turned with its mouth leaking an green gas. Wondering where the warrior was hidden it spit out steams of green sludge into the canopy. None hit the warrior however, the creature could not keep up with his movement. Greg freaked out at Wallace in combat with the creature and also at the trail of sludge covering the tracks of the monster. He could fly safely above the ground but just looking at the flowers and grass turn black underneath worried him. Whatever the creature was about to do wouldn't be good for anyone. He tried preforming a spell, his pom pom glowing light red. He wanted to aim it at wallace for protection but he couldn't see him any more. So he cast Shell on the warrior in the canopy above. Unlike the monster, Greg could spot the warrior moving around. Shell would protect him from some damage if he did get hit by any sludge. Lume, listening closely to the warrior thought about the words for the forest. Bringing out her Harp from her strap and opening her mouth, her elegant words and strumming enchanted the area around her. As she sang and played she swayed around with her wings like a swan. Inspiring nature around her with the beautiful dance she used a bit of her magic. The high tree branches were like the rolling ocean waves, grass and vines began to dance to her enthralling sound. The warrior would almost loose his balance but he was able to balance in the canopy despite the rocking. Greg too became enchanted by her sounds, even forgetting about the monster. Then she spoke commanding words, ordering an attack against the foul beast. The earth violently rumbled underneath the creature as roots broke out from the dirt, grabbing the monster. The warrior was now at the opportune moment to strike the beast if he could bring out the inner strength inside. (Make your attempt, remember to describe the attempt action as well as you can.) Those roots would not last long for they drained the winged women as well as began to rot around the disgusting creature. Cassius arrived at the scene a moment latter witnessing the forest become enchanted by the sounds of the Caelum woman. Walking took a bit of time but he was still a valuable participant in the battle against the Malboroba. One would wonder what he planned to do with his new vial of toxic sludge. [hr] The four legged creature looked at the blade danger for a moment then trotted away before she could mount it. The creature was quick to avoid any of her actions. It was apparent that they didn't care for riders. One might guess that is why no one had seen anyone in Navire use them for mounts. Galren and Rinn, as well as a few others of the party were still on their riders, watching Blade Dancer from the distance. Then they would immediately notice a foul scent renter the air. The creature was still around somewhere. Close enough to drift to the four-legged mares who were galloping away. The smell turning even more sour as the seconds passed, the Blade Dancer was the first to hear to noise. A popping, slithering, and glubbing came from the area behind a tree. If she turned to observe it then she would quickly see very small creatures, about as high as her knee, hidden in the tall grass. Upon further inspection she would see they were all ugly with big mouths and slime oozing out from underneath them. However, had she not payed attention she instead would just notice the sound and smell. The white chocobo on the other hand would quickly realize the danger at hand and demand that her rider flee the area before anything could become of the baby Molbos. Would Rinn ignore the blade dancer though? The Geomancer then after the chocobo would know these creature's by site. If he were indeed acting as a leader it would be in his favor to call a retreat as he knew of their toxic spit and foul breath.