Battler had a feeling that they were really in a world that they were fiction, but didn't want to bring it up as it would be a long explanation. Even the Endless Sorcerer himself didn't like explaining for a long period of time on something that is so simple to understand. He was about to reply to Alex, who had an idea to get a "Sega Genesis", but then saw someone that looked oddly familiar to him. Slipping away from the group for a bit, he runs up to this familiar person. "Excuse me, ma'am!" Battler called out to this woman, a woman that looked like the human form of his beloved witch: Beatrice. "Huh? What is it?....and what's with the opera cape?" the woman turns around and looks a little confused towards this man. " don't recognize me Beatrice-chan? I'm Battler Ushiromiya...your opponent?" he stutters a bit, she looked almost as if she really were Beatrice. "Don't know you, alright," the woman says to him bluntly and was about to walk away, but he tries to run in front of her. "You're just playing around with me again, aren't you Beato?" Battler asks one more time, but these words were just nothing to this woman. "Stop calling me that! And stop following me you cosplay stalker!" the woman shouts at him before stomping away from him. [i]I should had known...she wasn't Beato, but...but she looked so much like it possible that she could be the incarnation of Beato in this world?[/i] Battler thought as he sighed and went back to the group. Hopefully they didn't notice his attempts to get the lady's attention, it was really embarrassing...even for the Endless Sorcerer.