[center][b]SONODA YUKA ~ METALLICA WEAPON[/b][/center] >>Cerebral Intelligentsia. A truly insidious threat to the safety of the world. Their tendrils had wormed deep into all facets of society, allowing them to act with impunity, secure from the forces of justice! From week to week, their dark monsters sought to destroy Neo-Tokyo through sickening methods, yet I still cannot discover their headquarters! Am I, Metallic Weapon, truly cursed to conflict with their evil in such a limited manner? How could justice prevail in these conditions? I must find them, and rapidly, before greater numbers of innocents are threatened by their machinations! "Sonoda Yuka, is it?" asked a voice. >>That is my name for the time being, yes, but the true Sonoda Yuka was a far greater person than I! Her life, though long gone, shall not fade as long as I carry her dreams onwards. Her world of justice, where no child shall suffer again ... I will ensure that it comes to fruition! "[color=ed145b]Yes,[/color]" replied the teenager, currently garbed in her school uniform. Her expression was seemingly one of boredom. Of course it would be, for what could be more boring to a teenager than sitting outside the headmaster's office, awaiting news of her fate. One did not simply escape the scrutiny that jumping out of a third-storey window brought, after all. Through the action, she had exposed herself to the curiosity of the staff! [i]Was she a suicidal girl?[/i] they must have thought! And so they sought her out of concern, unknowing of the truth! >>The secrets I carry within my heart versus the safety of my school brethren? Nothing could stop me from ensuring the latter! It was truly horrid of Cerebral Intelligentsia to send their enforcers to destroy a glorious landmark of learning! Had I not escaped 20th Century History to combat them, I fear that the first-years would have been subjected to tormented fates! The suspicion that I have garned is nothing to the safety of the students here! "The headmaster wants to, uh-" It was obvious that the blonde secretary (since the forces of Darkman Evilman had descended upon Japan so many years ago, the people of Yamato had no longer been restricted to black hair and brown eyes!) was perplexed by the situation that Sonoda Yuka seemed to bring! Of course, for how does one address the fact that a teenage girl had jumped three stories to seemingly-certain death? "Uh- he wants to see you now?" Yuka rose in an instant. She looked so bored, so uncaring. To the secretary, what type of girl was she? "[color=ed145b]Okay.[/color]" Such a noncommittal reply! With fluid motion, Yuka left the flabbergasted secretary behind, and entered the headmaster's office.