Daniel huffed in thought, absorbing her words be they truth or not. Unfortunately he had learned that when a pirate spares/saves a life there are strings attached and the savior may cast the saved into the tempest when it best suits them. Despite how easy she was in conversation, how open and honest... It made him more suspicious. A dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid. [b]"It be hard to trust a man ye 'ave ne'r met b'fore."[/b] He said, letting the comment marinate in the air and hang between them. Despite all she had done for him thus far, after so many years of watching one's back to make sure a wayward knife didn't stab it, it was difficult to trust. Anyone, not just Avery, but anyone really. A crew was never really his family like it was for the other sailors. He was always stuck between worlds, walking a fine line to survive. He finally moved after the 30 seconds of empty space. He reached under his jacket and untied the velvet bag. It was soft in his weather worn hands. Bits of rough skin catching on the fabric as he pulled his leather thong away from the bag and handed it to her. His second question slipped out before he could really stop it, Daniels hands already busy eagerly pulling his hair back. [b]"What be so important 'bout tha' piece?"[/b]