Name: Ehster Gantz Age: 16 Gender: Trans-Boy Appearance: [img][/img] Backstory: Ehster was born in St. Portwell, having been bullied often by other girls for acting strange. He never felt right acting like a girl, and for the longest time didn't know why. In the beginning of his teen years he discovered his problem and adjusted accordingly, embracing his transgender nature. Needless to say this brought on more bullying, adding more stress to Ehster's life. Ehster didn't care much though, finally comfortable with himself. Recently his power awoke, giving him something to fight bullies back with. Power: Ehster's body produces a potent hallucinogen in his breath and bodily fluids. The dosage produced correlates directly with Ehster's heart rate. In low doses this causes a high sense of euphoria and tranquility, being an enjoyable experience. Prolonged exposure and higher doses leads to hallucinations, starting mild and growing stronger. Eventually these hallucinations turn into terrors, frightening people to the point of heart attacks and sometimes suicide. For those who do not die as a result of the hallucinations, it would not take much more of Ehster's hallucinogen to cause brain death. Because of the obvious risk to innocents, Ehster stays covered in heavy clothing indoors, with some form of mouth covering, usually a scarf. As a side effect of his power, Ehster is almost entirely immune to all chemicals, including drugs and toxins.