Sighing a moment it looked to Sophie that Jude was not going to give a crusade quite so easily. "[color=orangered]Alright. After we've eaten we'll look into fighting back. But we have to be careful. There's no telling who is in with the Veiss family.[/color]" Off in the distance the sound of a gunshot could be heard. To most it would have been hard to distinguish but Sophie's hearing was greatly improved. It wasn't long until sirens, screeching of tires, and scraping of metal could be heard outside the building. "[color=orangered]Everybody hide. This might be your chance Jude.[/color]" Setting Taryn down she approached the side of the building that the kerfuffle was happening. Several men were outside. Before Sophie had the chance to move the sound of glass breaking alerted everyone to the group's entrance. Their hasty scramble inside was halted by the sight of a robot man and a demon woman. Frozen for a moment one of the men started to raise a gun. Flicking her tail Sophie turned and pounced, her wings giving her a boost of speed. Before the man could finish the motion she had her hands wrapped around his throat. A second of the intruders had his legs pulled out from under him by Sophie's tail. Whirling around she tossed one and then the other back out into the alley. Glancing back down undoubtedly Jude was ready to move as well. She'd yet to see the robotic man work but these men were far outmatched against the mechanized adversary. Spotting the goods they stole on the ground it occurred to Sophie that they were likely chased here by officers. A quick look out the window confirmed this with the tell tale flashing of red and blue.