WIP Name: Angus O'Connell Age: 15 Gender: Appearance: [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb6nhlhI6a1rhts4so1_1280.jpg[/img] Backstory: Power: Angus' power is an extremely powerful superhuman breath attack. Basically by breathing out like a normal human being Angus can level large amounts of objects with extremely powerful winds that vibrate through structures causing them to shatter. A tiny exhale of air can knock people away for several feet and it is unknown how powerful his lungs can become if he unleashes his full potential. Because of this power Angus only needs to inhale once every four hours and has to slowly exhale over the course so that his power doesn't accidently blast things apart, this makes him have to be very quite and not shout for fear of what could happen. Because his lungs are so powerful his body is able to process air at an insanely high rate and thus has far greater stamina than an Olympic athlete.