Aldric was bringing his attention back to the tracks the cart left behind when he heard the voice of the absolute last person he wanted to see. Varric appeared in a whirlwind of flower petals, declaring his intention to assist in the rescue effort. Aldric really didn't want to take the bard, his magic might prove useful but would it be worth the exercise in irritation? The young ranger felt something out of place as Guinevere and Varric verbally sparred with one another, leading to Guin's sword at the bard's throat. Judging from what they were saying Aldric got the feeling he deserved it, so he wasn't going to interfere. By this point Aldric stopped paying attention, instead looking at the tracks of the cart. Time was of the essence and the last thing Aldric or Guinevere needed was Varric distracting them. Not with Alixanna's life on the line. No, the young ranger could not afford to take that chance. "He's not coming with us." The young ranger called behind him, his tone made it perfectly clear the matter wasn't up for debate as he began following the tracks. As he followed the tracks he really wished he had his father's dog Dagny, she would've proved invaluable in this venture. But Aldric was sure the old dog was still at home with her pups, he doubted his father could've coaxed her away from her pups even for something as important as this.