[hider=Hachirou]Name: Youma Hachirou Appearance: Hachirou is a youth who stands at 1.74 meters, and has a body forged from countless scuffles. His eyes are light grey, and his short hair is dark black with faded natural red coloured highlights. The boy has a noticeable cut down his right ear-lobe and a crooked nose that goes to the left. He is usually seen in a strange collection of mismatched garments, that are decidedly not modern. However when he is not in his motley attire he wears a simple black suit with a red tie. No matter where he is he always wears a thin browned scarf around his neck, and a pair of straw sandals-well as long as he is outdoors and not indoors where it would be respectful to wear house-shoes. Age: 19 Gender: Male Hero/Villain/Neutral: Neutral Powers: Youma Hachirou has the ability to control other people's clothes and apparel, any worn items that aren't weapons, and manipulate them to his will Weapons: Hachirou's most powerful weapon is in fact his own stylish wardrobe. This includes such pieces as *Zori Straw Sandals *Japanese Prayer Beads *Mino Straw Coat *Kimono *Patchwork Scarf of Scrolls *Round-top Kasa hat The preferred weapon in his arsenal is a baseball bat (or his yo-yo if he can't get a hold of a bat), which he is quite handy with. And then whatever he may be assigned with. Personality: There are two important facets to Hachirou's personality; when he is on the clock and when he is off the clock. When he is on the clock, Hachirou is a respectful and rather quiet man, choosing only to speak when he is addressed. This is mostly due to his belief that he might inadvertently do something that could possibly embarrass the Clan, due to a bit of his flamboyant and hot-headed nature. This is more readily seen when he is off the clock, where is much more theatrical in his mannerisms and prone to actions. Hachirou is highly devoted and loyal to his family and does not take any insults to them lightly, and will defend their honor at all costs. History: Hachirou is the eighth son of a family who lived in the Hokkaido region. His mother was a seamstress and his father was a tailor, and they ran a small tailoring studio. Hachirou was taken by his parents at an early age, much like his older brothers to study the work of tailoring. Hachirou was competent at these tasks, more so at seamstress work, due to the fact the older brothers had 'dibs' in tailoring suits. Other than being dragged in on days where they needed more hands, Hachirou was a latch-key kid who was picked on by his older brothers. So he would get into scuffles with them, alongside other students at his school. At the age of 13, he contacted his older cousin who was living in the Tokyo area, to see if he could stay with him. As Hachirou did not care for his home-life anymore. His cousin approved of the idea-mostly so he could have a dude to clean his dingy room for free, and helped bring him over to the Toyko area. Hachirou still continued his education, however upon hearing advice from his cousin, namely 'school is for chumps, dude you need to finish an apprenticeship', he decided to get a proper apprenticeship. And that is where his cousin introduced him to another tailoring studio, where he apprenticed more, usually after finishing a couple of classes, and if he didn't need to help out his delinquent pals. At age 15, when he was involved in a school-yard fight for turf, he would meet the girl of his dreams, Suzume who was moving on up in her own batch of delinquents. Also while he was 15, a member of the Youma Family wandered into his master's tailoring studio. However, he was busy with another client, thus leaving the task of fixing up a suit to Hachirou. He was awe-inspired upon seeing the man, and the Youme Family member was impressed with his meeting with the boy. However it would take good two years before Hachirou had his chance to pledge himself into the Family, and many more repairs to various other low-ranking Youme Family members' suits. However through grit and determination, he managed to make a good enough impression that they decided to allow the boy to pledge himself. And with that, he proceeded to go through a proper hazing and training, alongside doing other mundane tasks for the Clan he would be properly initiated into the Yakuza under the Youma name. In a ritualistic process, he had to choose a mythological creature. His choice was the Tsukumogami, and more specifically the Kyōrinrin. Upon making his choice, his particular set of Kyōrinrin was welded/sown into his very collar-bone, while the other Tsukomogamis were gathered to be used alongside it. From this, he had gained the the power of unlocking the inner Tsukomogami at his will. Youma Hachirou, however is still a young Yakuza Member, and is still learning the ropes while trying to help out his family by any means necessary. Weakness: As it is said, an outfit makes the man; if Hachirou is not in his clothing he is just a dude. Cell-phone Ringtone: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOErsvgUK58]Ring, Ring[/url] Other: The Yokai Clothes are certainly interesting, and may or may not talk to others besides Hachirou. Hachirou is in a committed relationship with a Sukeban of small batch of deliquents, which he tries to avoid discussing with his Family. (After all he is a professional and she is more of a girl with an attitude. And keyword being try as he has been going steady with her for years) Hachirou is a damn good seamstress/tailor.[/hider]