Dog watched the woman carefully, tensing as the gun went off and hit the window and Chris come barreling in and tackling the guns an while avoiding a dog. Another shot went off, making Chris cry out and wrench the rifle away from the gun woman before holding her head. Dog quickly went over to 'his' ally and gently tried helping her up. Cat on the other hand, snapped his cold blue eyes around the corner before watching the dog turn and go after those right around it. Quickly, he ignored the pregnant woman and started toward the owner of the rifle. But the dog turned and lunged at him, the tall man having to stop and confront the animal. Snapping his hands on the canine's open and outstretched jaws, he forcefully snapped them apart causing a soft yelp and whimper before the tall man quickly snapped the head almost do a 180, snapping the neck. The black haired man didn't pause in his assault and soon took out his knife and stabbed the dog in the skull repeatedly, making sure it wouldn't come back a second time. Before the gunwoman could even scream out, now having the pregnant woman beside her, Cat turned toward her and grabbed her by the head and snapped her neck as well. Stabbing her in the skull, the eyes, the mouth repeatedly before throwing the limp body against the counter. The pregnant woman stared in utter horror, going over to the fallen woman and effectively holding and crying over the dead body. Simply staring blankly at the scene, he walked passed the others and went toward the door. He could hear them. The groans of the undead. It was time to go. As he passed Dog, he glanced at at the brown haired individual. [color=aqua]"Let's move."[/color] He said, voice cold and monotones like normal. Dog could only stare at the scene, frowning deeply. Cat had already snuck in apparently, like a Panther... Crouching in the darkness ready to strike before effectively slaughtering its prey. Stiffening as 'his' brother walked calmly passed, some splatters of blood on his hands, Dog looked toward the crying woman. [color=coral]"What about her?"[/color] Dog whispered, looking around at the sound of sudden banging from undead, searching for the way in. [color=aqua]"Distraction."[/color] Cat simply replied before continuing on, looking to see undead already in front of the malls entrance, banging against the doors.