[quote=Griever] "*huff huff pant pant* Pregnant Peasant Girl's hands were blooded and bruised as she threw a flurry of jabs at the scorpion-like creature. The Lesser Stinnox stung her repeatedly, several times almost hitting her in the swollen girth protruding from her stomach. "Don't worry, my little wolf. Mama will keep you safe, Gods heed my prayers" Pregnant Peasant Girl uttered to the mass inside her, as she barely dodged a swipe of the scorpion's tail. Both of them had not eaten in several days now and hunger had almost driven her to the brink of taking her own life, perhaps it would be merciful for the little wolf, she considered. But at this moment, only the survival of Pregnant Peasant Girl and her child were on her mind, not the unbearable hunger. She stood over the beige carapace of the scorpion, victorious in her battle, but impossibly exhaused. Pregnant Peasant Girl feared she would not make it back to town to receive medical assistance, however, the force of love drove her forward. "May the Gods guide our path back to town, little one," Pregnant Peasant Girl said as she placed one bloodied hand to her stomach, feeling the wolf relax. Pregnant Peasant Girl had no idea what possessed her after the fight was said and done, but she took a bite out of the Lesser Stinnox's stinger, immediately spitting it out as the acidic venom burned her tongue, she felt as though she just rinsed her mouth out with lemon juice, both sour and astringent. Within seconds, she felt queasy and noticed a large pool of water underneath her blouse. Then, a sudden sharp pain emanating from her groin. "Contractions, NOW?" she began panicking as she fell to the floor and began crawling to the town entrance." [/quote] Go on...