"[color=82ca9d]Careful![/color]" Koji shouted to Wallace, his voice echoing through the treetops as the creature rounded upon him. With a satisfied smirk, he'd begin darting around as the creature attempted to keep up with his movements. His plan to keep the creatures attention had succeeded, darting in and around the trees to shield himself from the sludge that erupted from the creatures mouth. Having been blessed with the moogle's magic, and keeping ahead of the beast, Koji would begin to plot and plan for his time to strike. It was then that the earth began to tremble, causing the trees to sway and buckle beneath him. Catching himself on his final vault, he'd brace himself, regaining his balance as his eyes scanned over the creature. Quickly, he noticed the winged-one's spell at work, attempting to bind the creature in place with roots and other flora of the forest. "[color=82ca9d]Perfect![/color]" Koji shouted as he lept to the top of the tree where he landed, eyeing over the sky as if looking for something. It didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for- the sun and it's current position in the sky. Drawing his blade partially from it's sheath, the warrior would take in a deep breath as he steeled himself for what was to come. In an instant, he'd rocket towards the creature, veering slightly to the side as his blade caught the shine of the star. It was then that a blinding glare would radiate from the shining metal, masterfully directed into the eye stalks of it's intended target in an attempt to blind the beast. Despite the success or failure of this action, Koji had made up his mind to strike, replacing the blade fully until the creature was withing striking distance. It was then- in an action that only the trained eye could catch- his blade erupted from it's housing, aimed to cleave through the side of the creatures mouth to a depth that would sever the muslces and tendons that controlled that side. When contact with the ground was made after the attempt, one would see Koji rocket back up into the trees, repeating his tactics.