[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDe9Ex.png?1[/img][/centre] [hr] Jack looked at the man who interrupted his walking away. "Do you not know what complimentary means?" he asked with a condescending tone, ruffling in his pocket and pulling out the receipt, at this rate the apple pie and tea would be cold. "Look it says right here, COM-PLI-MENT-A-ARY" he emphasized the word he pointed out, this guy was clearly and imbecile. "I won the game. The meal is free, look at any of the receipts that the manager printed out, all of them say complimentary, and I'm afraid that holds meaning, even in a capitalist society.". Try calling the police he thought they can't do anything against a complimentary order. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving," Jack said agitated, "Now, don't make me try my exit again, it's kinda part of the whole image ya see?" He turned around, pulled out a NEW card and threw it onto the table of this wannabe hero. "The Dancing Jack leaves his regards" and walked out of the door once more, this time the radio started playing a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92cwKCU8Z5c&feature]song[/url] for real. The game was done, there was no reason for The Jack to stay. The card that Jack had left this time was special, the jack of spades was replaced with a picture of Jack himself and on the reverse were written the words, "The Dancing Jack leaves his regards" were written in a sort of crappy silver font. It was like a business card. Just cooler in every way.