-Laciel Lenssed- With a spring in his step, he began traversing the town towards the Vances mansion lying in wake on the very edge of the town. Most people he passed were still hysterical and seemed awed at the whole situation. As much as he would love to gawk, time was of the essence and procuring clues was the way to go. Most males looked to be organizing for the mission lying in wait. Hastily, he moved through the bundles of people in his endeavors. Fears were made into realities, and people dropped the cool act once that glass was completely shattered after a loved one was stolen away. Navigating through people wasn't that hard, however averting his mothers gaze was another task as she could be out and about the town trying to help. If the woman dared to find him suited up, she may just end up delaying him. [i][color=0072bc]"Please don't find me, please don't see me, please just don't drag me back home. Alixianna needs help now and being confined won't do wonders for me, her, or the towns people! Please be home Illya..."[/color][/i] Thankfully, he averted her gaze as he didn't spot his mother even for a second as the crunching of the leaves understand his feet and the tapping of his armor were the only sounds he bothered to listen to as he began to sprint even faster. Before he knew it, Laciel was standing face first in front of her manor, clad in armor that would make one assume that he was going to storm the place for riches... however he wasn't the type of guy to steal from his closest friend, even if she was a thief with a certain type of streak. As he stared upwards, he was immediately greeted by a familiar and lovely voice eminating from behind him. The boy swiftly pivoted around to find Illya standing there, staring at the boy in her torn garments. The boys eyes widened and his mouth dropped as he studied Illya closely, along with noticing a few outstanding things. As his eyes darted around he began to walk towards her slowly, his pace picking up before coming to an abrupt stop in front of the pale girl. Laciel dropped to one of his knees, staring at the girls visible leg for a couple of moments before returning his gaze upwards. There was only one thing he could say that would relieve him... well, sort of. [color=0072bc]"Illya... What the heck happened?! Your dress is torn, you have cuts all 'round the light can see, and a nasty looking gash! Jeez, what place did you raid this time?! Ugh, you could of been killed if anything worse happened! I'm happy your ok, but this is why I warned you against this job. May start out small, but next you may lose a limb, or, or you could end up jailed and consigned to a fate where people you care about never see you again! Geez, I may take more time off from the forge to secure your safety if things start to descend into a more darker shade!"[/color] ... maybe not. The boys face was in pure awe and panic as he swiftly worded out his fears about Illya and her job. Sure, he felt she could hold herself, but he couldn't just let her alone, lest tempting fate with ironic cruelty. So it was only natural for him to be in this frantic state as he erratically searched for a few specific items. As he performed so he kept his eye on the grizzly crimson gash which only further impaired his progress as he continued looking for specific items to treat her. [color=0072bc]"Sorry if i'm acting a little volatile Illya, but you know i'm only afraid for your sake!... Gr, where the hell are some calendulas when you need them?! Anyways, can you please explain yourself Illya? How did you manage to catch such a horrid wound anyways?!"[/color] As he continued his search for the roll, he asked her the question as calmly as he could, acknowledging that he didn't even hear her side of the story and went on a worried rant, possibly annoying her a tinge bit. Even though the situation at hand with Alixianna was crucial, he also felt obligated to make sure his friend was safe and sound. Maybe he could try to make some tea for her, having a short chat, and then cutting to the chase... ... then again she may just cut in with her tongue, quizzing why he was suited up and looked prepared to take on the whole world. [@ViolentViolet]