[h1][color=3d7213]Millenium Tower- Youma Suite[/color][/h1] Life was good for the Youma Family. Clients were paying up on time, the criminal elements infesting Tokyo weren't raising a fuss in Youma territory, and Youma Saejima was pleased with his new favorite game show. At the present, Youma Kenji was in the illustrious Youma Suite, a massive room set aside for the Youma Family's use: family meetings, relaxation, offering shelter to wanted criminals, and holding dinners for other families. The room closest to the suite's entrance was occupied by a well-built lounge, with a fully-stocked bar and a karaoke stage with fifty songs taken from across the world. Everyone in the family loved hearing their brothers' horrid singing voice, and karaoke contests were among the Youmas' favorite pastimes. [color=3d7213]"Bah'n bah babee is ben sweelove yeah yeah,"[/color] Kenji sang drunkenly, sweat pouring down his brow. He had nothing but his pants and his suit jacket on at the moment, and gripped the microphone with white-knuckled tightness. [color=3d7213]"Dough this feelin' I change, Plea--"[/color] Kenji nervously slicked his hair back as he waited for the song to catch up. [color=3d7213]"Pease dontake it so bably, Cuz Lawd knows Imto--I'm to blame!"[/color] Grinning madly, Kenji warbled his way through the rest of Freebird, to the loud applause of his fellow family members. He made a spirited effort to mimic the guitar solo with his mouth, pausing only to wipe off the microphone midway through the extended pinch harmonics section. As the song faded out, Kenji looked at his score with no small amount trepidation. A [b]B[/b]?! Kenji awkwardly fumbled the microphone back onto its stand, and stormed unsteadily off the stage. With a weary smile, he called out to the next prospective singer, "Gotter warmed'up for you! C'mon up!"