[h2]Tomoyuki Harushima[/h2] [color=6ecff6]"Man!"[/color] Tomo thinks to himself as he flies above the packed streets, [color=6ecff6]"Neo-Tokyo is awfully more busy then ever! I wonder if there's a concert...? Or a kickass action movie? Hell, for all I know there could be a new iGalaxy that had just been released, I dunno..."[/color] At the same time, the young genius was also tuning in The Video Star Radio, which he was randomly scrolling through channels until the intro for the show caused interest in him to hear. For an extraterrestrial radio show, it was quite amusing. If only he could see what was going on. Yes, Neo-Tokyo also housed other superheroes and villains that were also aliens from god knows where in space. He even read on the news about the intergalactic space policeman Galdaroth saving Earth AND other planets from crime. [color=6ecff6][i]Though his name sounds like something from a Transformers movie.[/i][/color] he thinks to himself as he slows to a hover just a few meters above the ground. A few fans began to wave and call out his name, some of them even began jumping up and down. Tomo retracts his helmet and with a nice smile he waves back, salutes, and even points at some of the fans while laughing himself. At least his popularity is still at an all time high!