Varric laughed, though he noticed that Guin was getting a bit more embarrassed than he'd hoped. He decided it was time to stop messing around, for hers and Alixanna's sake. He HAD to help his warrior friend get over her ridiculous embarrassment some time. He wasn't sure how to do that though. [color=007236][i]I'd just get her laid, but I'm not sure if she'd even want to have sex with anyone. Which is almost a shame, considering how beautiful she is.[/i][/color] Oh well. He'd think of something. Or not. After all, it was damn amusing how she reacted to sex. She was like an innocent 6 year old. Varric was sure if he kissed her she'd probably die of severe brain hemorrhaging. [color=bc8dbf]"Varric, you're so dead."[/color] Varric grinned. She'd never actually hurt him. She was too damn nice and heroic and she loved him too much(a fact he abused). She would damn well get him back later, though. He wouldn't even be mad. [color=007236]"Is it because I'm prettier than you?"[/color] Varric said, pouting, before flower petals fluttered about him and he returned to his real form. Varric then saw Aldric begin walking away, following the tracks. "He's not coming with us." Varric's facial expression became a mix of shock and 'kicked puppy'. He blinked, then smiled a bit as Guin rushed to defend him. [color=007236]"Now Aldric, aren't you supposed to be a professional?"[/color] Varric teased, [color=007236]"Through our skills combined, we stand the best chance of finding Alixanna. And I am worried about her, even if I can still spin a joke and laugh a bit with a good friend. Would you put her at greater risk simply because you don't like me?"[/color] Varric followed, putting forth a convincing case. [color=007236]"If it would help you, I'll be quiet, and simply use my magic to help you track. You'll note my affinity is with nature, especially the wind. I learned long ago how to use the wind to follow scent trails. I'm as good as one of your father's hounds, and slightly more adorable,"[/color] Varric bargained. Of course, he didn't plan on [i]actually[/i] shutting up. That would be madness. It was a wonder he hadn't yet burst into song. In fact, he was damn near about to.