[i]"Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean" the edicts of imperial law are quite clear, simple and straight forward. And the chapters of the Adeptus Astartes are no strangers to the destruction of enemies from heretics and traitors to terrible xeno monstrosities. You are no different, you have followed the orders of your chapter and the wider Imperium for as long as you have drawn breath, and much of that time you have been a space marine. But recently, you have seen strange things. Whilst you slept visions of a being, wreathed in radiant white light so bright it was blinding. It spoke in strange tounges, alien to your ears, and its form was no less strange. Upon waking you may simply have shrugged it off, warp sickness perhaps. But even if you did, strange phantoms began to skirt the edges of your vision, strange apparitions ghosted through your sight on fields of battle, but no one else seemed to spot them, unless one of your brothers had also experienced the dream. Perhaps you visited the Apothecary, or a Chaplain, or librarian, but none could give an explanation. Then, one day whilst separated from your brothers, by chance, choice or duty, a strange marine approached you. In radiant silver power armor and wearing a cloak of white bordered with gold he came to you, and said he knew of your plight, of the phantoms, and the dream. He called himself the listener, and told you these events meant you had purpose beyond your own perception, that you had worth beyond reckoning, and that he could guide you to this purpose. Perhaps you scoffed, or even attacked the marine, but he would simply disappear as if he were no more than an apparition, and then the phantoms returned. Eventually you gave in to your curiosity, and upon another isolated combat zone he came to you, and gave you the coordinates of a meeting place, where he would tell those chosen of their destiny. Perhaps you will attend of curiosity alone, or perhaps you intend to somehow corner the strange marine and wring an answer from him, either way now you have arrived, secretly, and are now with other marines like you, plagued with vision, waiting to have their answers.[/i] Welcome battle brothers! I am your guide through these troubled times. This RP is sorta a reboot of an older RP I accidentally let slip into obscurity, though this one has marked differences (mainly that we begin as loyalist marines and not traitors) In this RP you each play one (or two) "Witnesses", space marines who have seen what I, the listener, have termed "Ghosts of the truth". Which I will elaborate on more after the RP begins. Suffice to say despite being from different companies or even chspters, you are all now gathered together, which is where our story truly begins [b]RP Rules[/b] 1 No OOC drama EVER. Take that to pm 2 No godmode or Mary sues 3 We will be going a bit off established lore, for specifics on that please pm me 4 What I say goes, DO NOT start a fight over something that happens in the story (I will not kill off any characters you guys control directly) 5 No more than 2 characters per player [hider=CS Skeleton] Name: Age: Chapter:( Any established chapter active during early 36th millenium or just near the start of the Age of Apostasy and Goge Vandires reign of blood) Rank:(Tactical marine, 1st company veteran, chaplain, librarian any rank technically below captain) Bio::( only required part is meeting with the listener, but more is appreciated) Appearance:( if you have a pic of armor you must describe him without armor. If no pic describe armor and underneath) Gear:(nothing to ridiculous please) [/hider] Multiple characters may be from the same chapter,or even company.