[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDe9Ex.png?1[/img][/centre] [hr] "Look here bud, I don't think you understand. I WON THE GAME" Jack sort of half-yelled in this guys face, he was stronger than him that was for sure, besides that was the second time that he tried his exit. If he wouldn't let him go he may have to demonstrate what 'The Game' meant, "If I won the game then they CANNOT charge me, it's the way it works. Reality will not allow the results of the game to change, unless of course there is a re-match. Which these people won't get the chance of due to them SPILLING MY TEA ON ME," there was very little that got Jack this worked up but people who were sore losers were number one on the list. "Even if the police got here, the game wouldn't let them charge me. It's like... I'm the house and we're in Vegas. I have the high ground here. Trying to not pay up the winnings won't work out in anyone's favor but mine. If you still think the receipt is under duress go and print one for my order yourself, the same thing'll happen no matter what till you use." Jack went on the explain, continuously trying to pull his arm away. "And you're right I'm not from around here, I was born out west. But you know, Neo Tokyo, city of dreams and all that jazz,". Then a few moments passed and he realized something important. "Wait you sign your fast food receipts? Who does that in this day and age?" He wasn't sure who to direct the question to in the circumstances so he sort of gave it to the floor, "Isn't this place supposed to be defining the future or something?"