[b]STOPMAN III[/b] [color=f7976a]"Oh, you'll get your free meal, alright. Down at the station, I hear they serve katsudon to the suspects."[/color], Barring the fact that "GIVE ME FOOD" barely qualified as a game in the first place (really, it was a challenge at best), Jack had forgotten several important details. After all, all he had specified was that "He got his meal for free." At no point was it specified that he wouldn't be arrested, or that "his meal" would specifically be [i]that[/i] apple pie or [i]this[/i] tea. Furthermore, Souta had never been playing in the first place. A short-sighted mistake made by many a reality warper over the years. Souta wondered briefly if such godlike figures had some sort of compulsion to insert self-defeating flaws, but was interrupted by an out-of-breath girl showing up at the door. He stared for a second after she finished. [color=f7976a]"Yeah, hey, I'm Souta, nice to meet you. I'm uh-"[/color], he stuck out his cellphone and waved it, [color=f7976a]"-I'm the one calling the cops, here. Ask anyone, they'll tell-"[/color], he was interrupted by the operator picking up, [color=f7976a]"-Oh, yeah, hello. No, I was calling to report a dine-and-dash but it looks like a hero showed up. Yeah, thanks. Sorry for taking up your time."[/color] He flipped the phone closed and shoved it back into his pocket, [color=f7976a]"Hey, uh... Tough Love, was it? Can you drop this guy off at the station?"[/color]