[img]http://i.imgur.com/ALTb7Bz.jpg[/img] [b]Super Cosmos[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 32 Universal Age Units [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Hero/Villain/Neutral[/b] Neutral [b]Powers:[/b] Cosmos uses the powers of the stars themselves and of that which lies between. As a mapper of the stars, he also has abilities that come from constellations. [hider=Meteor]Launches a hunk of space rock at the target. The "hunk" varies greatly in size. Can launch at up to maximum velocity (the highest speed an object can achieve due to wind resistance).[/hider] [hider=Constellation]Summons a familiar with powers derived from the constellation's legends. The constellation need not be visible in the sky to be used. Examples: Phoenix the healer and Sagittarius the archer.[/hider] [hider=Planetary Power]Gains powers and weaknesses based on the planets in the solar system using mythological roots.[/hider] [hider=Starman]Cosmos' body provides all he needs to explore and map the universe. His jumps can accelerate him to escape velocity. He's immune to extreme temperatures and radiation. He does not need air to survive. He can survive impacts up to the force of falling at maximum velocity.[/hider] [b]Weapons:[/b] Whatever his powers create. [b]Personality:[/b] Rough, tough, but not very gruff. He is skilled at putting things bluntly and unskilled in tact. Believes the planet belongs to him because he discovered it, but instead of forcing everyone to follow him, he prevents others from claiming the planet for themselves. [b]History:[/b] An interstellar explorer tasked with exploring the cosmos. He landed on Earth two Earth-years ago and decided to stay for the booze. He has spent the majority of those two years learning of the planet's cultures and enjoying the flavors of life on Earth. Of course, he also spent those years finding as many bars as he could. According to his civilization's laws, because he "discovered" the planet, he is now the "owner" of it as well. Cosmos is by no means shy about sharing this fact, but he doesn't seem interested in changing anything about Earth - in fact, he seems more interested in keeping it exactly as it is, fighting whoever seems most likely to change the power balance at play. [b]Weakness:[/b] When he uses an elemental planetary power, he becomes weak to that element's weakness. He's also vulnerable to Earthen abilities. [b]Theme Song:[/b] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONH5-U0JohE