Alexis had picked up her bag and headed out the door of her class as soon as the bell began ringing. Her power had been driving her crazy all day cramped into the school with so many others, picking up on all of their emotions. There was a time in the day that it had gotten to the point where she couldn't differentiate her feelings from the people next to her. It was frustrating to say the least, not being able to control her abilities yet and thus not being able to tune out everything that she could sense because of it. She just needed to get away from the crowds and relax, knowing exactly how. During the course of the day, being the new kid in town, Alexis had done her research on some of the local people of interest. A fruit of her efforts made itself shown in the form of two phone numbers, supposedly belonging to dealers operating around the school. As far as she knew though, these numbers could both be frauds. A bit before the end of class she had texted one, having recieved a response to show up at a nearby alley. Needless to say, Alexis was on a mission. Her first day in a new school, she had to make connections quick or be labled some sort of pariah, ousted by everyone. To her, there were no better connections than steady suppliers. She made a casual entrance to deal location chosen by this stranger, making an attempt to use her ability to gauge the situation. As far as she could tell everything seemed calm, and so she gave a sharp upward nod to the only figure aside from her there; a woman who looked to be around her own age, and one Alexis found rathet attractive as well. The deal was quick, Alexis had bought a quarter ounce of marijuana. A purchase like that showed she had enough money to spend freely, and didn't make her come off as some fiend dying for a fix. After she took the ziplock bag, Alexis noticed an immediate change in emotion around her. The female dealer in front of her remained calm, seemingly unaware until a male voice called out to the both of them. She turned to face the male after he finished his sentence, prepared to deal with anyone who might want to play hero though not wanting to. Focusing on him, she was able to get a better read of his feelings, sensing sadness mixed with anger. She had felt similar sensations around students talking about lost family members, guessing that the boy must have lost a loved one to some kind of drug. Alexis began approaching him slowly, staring straight into his eyes as she spoke in her smooth (if slightly deep) voice, "Listen kid, this isn't any of your business. Unless you're trying to buy something of course, then it's all business. For some reason though I don't think that's why you're here." She stopped outside of arms' reach, waiting for some kind of response. [hr] Ehster took his time to get his things together at the end of his class. Crowds in the hall weren't really his thing, and so he avoided them when he could. By the time he had gotten all his things together, most of the students had already made their way out of the building. Adjusting his scarf, Ehster stood from his desk and began leaving the class. Entering the hall Ehster noticed a few other stragglers, though paid them no mind as he walked out of the confines of the building and into the fresh air. A breeze was blowing outside, which was perfect for Ehster. Not needing to worry about causing terrifying hallucinations or death in his classmates now, he removed the scarf as well as the coat he wore. A deep inhale and exhale felt good after stifling himself all day, as did the wind against his now exposed arms and neck. A smile crossed his lips upon deciding to take a stroll around the academy. He wanted to enjoy this experience a while before being cooped up in the dorms for the night.