The two heroes looked… thoroughly confused. O-of course, she had to explain to them! Solia was simultaneously happy and nervous. Oh, don’t you worry about this! Y-you can handle it, princess! You practiced for this! [b]‘S-solia will do fine…’[/b] The princess states at the female hero’s difficulty with her name with a small blush over her cheeks while looking over the two heroes and clasping her hands together. OK, what comes naturally after this? O-oh, yes! Explanation! Solia took a deep breath, her tail flapping back and forth behind her in extreme excitement as she focused a kind of serious look towards the two individuals which had been summoned by her hand. [b]‘I have summoned you two to be our heroes in a time of need.’[/b] Hands of hope held together before her chest as Solia spoke her heart out in absolute truth. [b]‘The nation of which I am the princess of, Graelian, has been through a time of hardship lately. My parents, the kind king and queen, recently passed away under unknown circumstances. Also, reports of monsters being sighted by our borders has made the entire people sick with worry for the future. In order to raise their spirits, I have declared war against our neighbor Vilante, with the intention of bringing this nation back together by proving we still stand strong.’[/b] It did not at all occur to Solia that the aspect of declaring war did not mean the same to someone who had lived in a different world for all their life. That notion didn’t even exist to her. [b]‘However, Vilante is currently… a bit stronger than us, and they have a far more experienced queen.’[/b] Solia’s look took a bit of a solemn turn. [b]‘As much as I trust my soldiers’ and knights’ capabilities, they may not be enough. That is why!’[/b] Hope shone in her eyes, her tone rising in volume as she turned with admiration forward towards her most esteemed heroes. [b]‘If my people were to get the support of heroes summoned from a different world as per the rituals for when a nation is in need, their spirits and our chances are sure to rise considerably! I beg of you!’[/b] She bowed her head forward, her tail turning stiff and held between her legs as she held her hands together with closed eyes in the way of asking for help. [b]‘Will you please help us and be our heroes in our time of need…?’[/b] D-did she explain that well enough…?