[center]~| Day 1, 19:10 GST |~ ~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex: Darth Nyiss & Jakali |~[/center] Jakali moved through the halls, having calmed himself down and returned to form as the usual cool and collected Jakali Harcor. He ran a hand through his hair, adjusting it then did the same to his robes as he approached the turbolift to Darth Nyiss’ quarters. Part of him wondered how wise it would have been for him to enter uninvited, but his curiosity was peaked and he felt himself drawn there, he was unsure why but he had yet to actually speak with her so it may have been an opportunity to make a solid first impression. As the doors closed on the lift he glanced at the floor, wondering if he was the first Sith to actually enter her quarters, she couldn’t fault him for being bold if that was the case, and besides, it wasn’t like he was barging in and was going to rummage through her things, if she didn’t appreciate him showing up the way he was going to then he would apologize and leave immediately. Maybe create an excuse that he had gotten lost, but he was confident that wouldn’t happen. Then he glanced forward and breathed deeply, ready to put on his most charming face. A small chime sounded in Nyiss’ lab to alert her someone had entered the main room of her quarters (it was more of a reception hall, though could be used to entertain as well). She put down the datapad with the notes she was reading and stood, smoothing her robes as she did so. She had changed out of her combat robes into something a little more comfortable since getting back to the ship. In form it was not all that different, but rather than the hard wearing fibers of her combat clothes, her robe was now made of shimmering, soft black material with translucent outer layers. She stepped out of the lab and into the main room to greet the newcomer, confidant that the lab door would lock itself behind her. Unlike the rest of the ship, that door was woven with cortosis alloy to keep even a determined Sith out. Partly for secrecy's sake, partly to make sure no foolish apprentice blew a chunk out of the ship with a mishandled spell or alchemy formula. Before her stood a young ruggedly handsome man, Jakali if she remembered correctly. Technically he was still an apprentice, but he did not carry himself like one, and the robotic hand extending from one of his sleeves spoke of respectable experience in battle. Her eyes swept slowly over his whole form in silence before meeting his. She had to look up a little, but that did not trouble her. “I don’t believe we’ve formally met. Welcome to my ship Jakali Harcor.” She said with an even, slightly curious tone, before motioning to one of the chairs to the side of the room. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you, my Lord, I have heard much about you, but they never told me of your beauty.” He said with a smile, meeting her eyes with his. He was about to do the customary kneel a Sith would do upon greeting a superior but it seemed that part was skipped right over. He moved towards a chair but did not yet sit, instead he glanced around the room, admiring it. “A very fine place you have here, it seems no expense was spared.” He added, then sat. A genuine smile curled Nyiss’ lips as he complimented her appearance and she made no attempt to hide it. When he commented on the relative opulence of the room, she made a show of looking around at it, even though she already knew every inch quite well. “Why thank you. Even though this may not be a long journey, there is no reason to endure spartan surroundings when one has the power to ensure comfort.” She followed him to a seat, sitting directly opposite him, relaxing into the chair. Next to the elegant finery of the room. Jakali looked a little out of place to Nyiss, but he was still, nonetheless handsome. “You cut a striking figure yourself.” “I’ve been told before, but it’s much more meaningful coming from someone like you,” He said, returning a smile to Nyiss. “It’s nicer here than in the Sith quarters, but I won’t complain about those, it’s better than sleeping in the engine rooms.” He added. “Though it’s much more elegant than what the Jedi are living in. It almost makes me pity them, [i]almost[/i],” He said jokingly with another smile. “It is quite the group of characters that’s been assembled here. Am I right to assume you picked them out? I have to give you credit for that.” He added, leaning back in the chair. “You could put it like that.” She said conversationally. “Though I really only sought out a few of them… The rest were merely approved. I’ll let you discover who falls into each category.” She was enjoying the distraction for the moment. This apprentice was well mannered and didn’t seem overly cowed by her presence, which certainly a point in his favor. After all, sometimes it was nice to be treated as an equal. With her experiments so close at hand however, her intellectual side warred with her more base desires for dominance, manifesting in a perhaps slightly earlier than normal pointed question. “So mister Harcor…. To what do I owe the visit?” “I felt something here, like an aura that drew my immediate attention once I came near enough to your quarters. I simply had to see what the source of it was and now I am here,” He said, looking her in the eyes, then smiling. “I apologize if that does not sound like a legitimate reason, and please, call me Jakali.” He added. “Curiosity then?” Nyiss half stated. “Bold of you. Are you satisfied with what you have found?” She leaned forward as she spoke, heavily implying with her tone that he shouldn’t be. If he was bold enough to stay, she would make time for him. Life was long, and men that didn’t wither under a Darth’s gaze were rare. “No, no I am not. I’m not satisfied yet.” Jakali said, copying her gesture, leaning forward in his chair and locking eyes with her. He then made an even bolder move and extended his arm out, laying his organic hand upon her hand. The expression on his face hasn’t changed, it was a look of certainty. Nyiss’ skin tingled with the touch of his hand, the sensation of another’s skin on hers quite a rare one given that most people were scared simply being near her. “Very bold.” She said, her voice low now. “I do love a brave, handsome man.” She put her other hand over his. “You want to see more…” She said standing, keeping a hold of his hand as she did so. “A strong Sith is [i]never[/i] satisfied with what he has…” She said in a sultry tone. “I know exactly what I want. A gorgeous, powerful lady of the Sith.” He said with a truly genuine smile then pulled her in closer to him, wrapping his other arm around her lower back as he planted a kiss on her lips, full on embracing the Sith lord. Nyiss let herself be pulled into his embrace, enjoying and returning the kiss for a long moment. When they broke away, she stared up into his eyes for a moment, expectation glistening in her gaze. She then took his hand in hers, broke free of his embrace and turn on her heel, leading him wordlessly by the hand out of the publicly accessible entrance room of her quarters into one of the back room.