[b]Super Cosmos[/b] "But sir, you've already had 15 drinks... Shouldn't you be calling a cab instead of asking for more?" "I'm here to sample all you've got, and I'm not leaving until I catch 'em all. Seriously, how many times do I have to tell you? Are you sure that YOU aren't the one drinking heavily?" Cosmos regarded the man with an exaggeratedly pained expression. "I'm sure you can tell that I'm nowhere NEAR inebriation. After all, you probably deal with drunks pretty frequently." "I work the [i]morning[/i] shift! Nobody goes to a restaurant bar this early to get smashed!" "Yeah yeah, whatever. Just bring me the next drink on the menu already." Cosmos, tired once more of convincing a serviceman to service him, returned his attention to the TV above the bar. The TV was tuned into MTV-Japan, and on the screen a group of punked-out Koreans were shown humping land vehicles and firing off weapons while singing [i]Bang, bang, bang![/i] [i]This planet's entertainment gets stranger every year,[/i] Cosmos thought just as the transmission was interrupted by one Spandez Conquest Hour. A crash was heard at the end of the bar - the bartender had dropped the drink he was mixing in horror at the appearance of the Lord of Bloodsport. Cosmos watched the broadcast with interest, while the bartender watched in horror. His interest was quickly replaced with rage. "That... that [i]bug[/i] thinks he can just give away [i]my[/i] planet? And what, for a [i]reality show[/i]? This isn't his planet to give away! I found it first! [i]I[/i] own it!" Cosmos grumbled and fumed to himself as the broadcast continued. "I'll show [i]him[/i]... I'll go give that guy a piece of my mind. I'm gonna punch him right in the buggy face! Bartender! Make that drink to go!" The bartender would have been relieved by Cosmos' departure, had the broadcast not involved ownership of his home planet. It probably didn't help that this man who insisted he wasn't drunk was now insisting hat he was the owner of the very same planet. "Er... right, sir. Very well..." Distracted, the bartender slowly made the drink, and by the time he had finished the refreshment the broadcast had ended, returning to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wol-XHb1VhM]MTV-Japan's regularly scheduled programming[/url]. Drink securely in hand and the bartender paid in full, Cosmos left the bar to search for this Pterrordactyl fellow and use him to secure an audience with that Lord of Bloodsport.