[i]"I'm still alive, and I can still fight. Shouldn't that be all that matters, at this point?"[/i] [h3]-PILOT-[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Lora Shinkai [hider=Appearance:] [img]http://i.imgur.com/B12EpVc.jpg[/img] (obviously not as naked as this)[/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Personality:[/b] Lora is unique for having a sort of deadpan confidence, seeming be reserved on the outside but in reality being very empowered and sure of her capability. Of course, she's not headstrong, either, and in fact proves to be rather patient. Off the field, she performs small efforts and tasks in hopes to play a little more than her part. The most emotion she can be noted showing is largely in combat, as if she has some deep-seated feelings regarding the Cruxi (and boy, does she). [b]Motives:[/b] Repel the Cruxi and ensure a better future. [b]Background:[/b] People who say Lora went through hell don't realize that good people shouldn't go to hell. The young Lora grew on a colony somewhat on the farther reaches of human society. Her family was one of the most esteemed on that world, and not because they had luxury. No, it was because they shared their luxury, working to create and distributor new technologies to benefit the people and ensure what happened to Earth would not so easily repeat itself. Lora was exposed to this and more, and so learned the better qualities of life and what they meant. To say it all changed when the Cruxi appeared seemed cliche and inaccurate. Within 24 hours, it all disappeared - homes, families and lives alike. A still-young Lora and her younger brother were one of the few that managed to make it, of the single escape ship that managed to survive the ordeal. She wished she could stop crying, that after she cried all her tears, her voice went hoarse, and her heart ached the worst, it would stop. But the pain never stopped. Lora practically begged to be enlisted in the project to weaponize Framewerks. She wanted so many things, but the only ones she could hope to get were revenge, and hope itself. She would gladly learn to take life if it meant no more had to suffer like she did. She would become stronger, far stronger than she was on that day of defeat, as strong as she needed to be to take down the enemy. And even if she died doing it, Lora was going to bring peace and happiness back to every last human who deserved it. [b]Notable Deaths:[/b] Pretty much anyone she was related to by blood, except her brother. A couple of her close friends also didn't make it. [b]Other Things:[/b] People think that Lora doesn't show her emotions because she is very scarred inside. While they are partly right, she also represses her emotion to ensure she can remain stable during Framewerk combat. It works for the most part, but there are times where she can get a little loose. [h3]-FRAMEWERK-[/h3] [b]Code Name:[/b] Caliburn [hider=Appearance:][img]http://img03.deviantart.net/8e90/i/2012/284/1/e/gundam_by_henry1025-d5hgmnw.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Primary Weapons System:[/b] The right arm is equipped with a three-pronged 'lighting battery', a particle cannon that uses energies of up to one million volts to fire an intense bolt of energy at opponents. It has a powerful yield, but at lower energy charges the cannon isn't much more powerful than a plasma bolt - it's when you're given the time to charge the cannon to full capacity that you can put a nice, fat hole through virtually anything short of the toughest armors. [b]Secondary Weapons Systems:[/b] Equipped on each shoulder blade is a paired GAU-19 heavy rotary cannon and a TOR-VN railgun system. The whole of these weapons are armed at once by rotating them onto a set of shoulder mounts. For safety reasons, control of the right arm and the primary weapons system is disabled while the secondary weapons are active. Also equipped is a pair of infantry-grade missile launchers on the collarbone in front of the shoulder, and a reinforced shield unit on the left arm. [b]Frame Armor Type:[/b] Medium-Heavy ; designed to be a heavy weapons platform with a minor in tanking. [b]Special Ability:[/b] [i]-UNKNOWN-[/i]