[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDe9Ex.png?1[/img][/centre] [hr] A newcomer, what was the world coming to. First things first he needed to try and further explain the game, if people didn't understand then no one would take it seriously. "The game," Jack began, "since you clearly do not understand is an objective, a rule set and a time limit, which this guy lost," he motioned to the employee who he had been dealing with earlier, "also don't try something uncool like bringing up trivialities in my term, it won't work. The food he served me was 'my meal' as far as the game was concerned. Now, the objective of the game could be anything, solve a riddle, climb a building, or even take out a guard or two. Then we have the rules, they could be things such as: You cannot use the internet, you may not fly and you may not kill them, respectively to the objectives I mentioned earlier. The time limit is self explanatory. The we have the terms, the 'bets' you may say." Jack explained this in length, to both of these people. "The easiest way would be to show you," Jack concluded, taking two items out of his pocket, another card and a coin, he placed the first of these items flat on the table, it was a standard jack of spades, one that he gave to the less persistent folks. The coin was nothing special, it has a heads and a tail to it and it was a bit grimy from being sat in Jacks pocket all this time, "now it's a simple game since it's a mere example. I will flip this coin onto the table, if it lands on it's side then you win. No rules. If you win by some miracle then you get this card, to clarify this means that no one else will be able to pick it up but you until it has been in your hands, in which case that limit is broken and when you put it back down people can take it once more, no time limit clearly, and if you lose I get the card," Jack hated explaining his ability, he hated having to do trivial games like this to explain it. But nevertheless he flung the coin, and it sprung into the air. Now on the other side of the room something interesting was happening, the manager was trying his very best to scrawl out a hand-written receipt, whenever it came to pricing the items however he involuntarily wrote the word 'complimentary', by this point a small pile of paper was beginning to amass itself as both the manager and the employee were perplexed by the issue at hand. Jack, then turned to the newcomer and said the following words, with slight restraint, "Tough Love? What kind of name is that?".