Athinar stood there, in Professional Mode, as he liked to call it. It was something drilled into him by those loathsome monks, but still, it was useful. His back was straight, his head was inclined, hands held in front of him, feet shoulder-width apart. He took a deep breath. As much as it caused him mental agony, he was in equilibrium. Besides, the pain and aggression let him come up with even better plans. When Shukra's image appeared behind him, and the cat told him to turn around, he merely turned his head, and gave the cat a cold stare from the corner of his eye. The Rakshasa was disrespecting him. Oh well. He'd get him sometime, but the Boss needed him. Thought he was useful, for whatever reason. [color=Purple][b]"I do not take orders from you, little kitty. I will not turn around at your beck and call. If you wish to receive your orders, then please stand with the others."[/b][/color] His voice sounded deeper, more twisted, and more hateful than normal, the change in tone apparent. Azavarn's plan was good, but there were a few flaws, and Athinar let him know. [color=FireBrick][b]"That's a good enough plan, little demon, but there is one big problem. The new temple. There is no way in Hell that they'd let one such as you make a deal."[/b][/color] He smiled at his own pun. [color=FireBrick][b]"Probably have holy water, as well."[/b][/color] Raising his finger, he did praise the demon on one point. [color=FireBrick][b]"You guessed it though, I was going to use the Orcs to surround the village. However, Shukra won't be commanding them."[/b][/color] He grinned in anticipation of the cat's expression. [color=FireBrick][b]"You, Azavarn, will lead the orcs. You're slippery enough to wrangle them, or so I hear."[/b][/color] The decision didn't make sense at the moment, at least not to most people, but there was a hidden meaning, from Athinar to Azavarn. He was allowing the demon free reign to attempt to get the creatures' souls, and thus bring their loyalty to the Boss, rather than Shukra. When Narza appeared on his shoulders, Athinar wasn't displeased. He thought that Narza was just the kind of crazy to do something like that, so it was pretty much expected. Noting her presence with a nod, and seeking out the imp that she waved at, Athinar looked at the one small demon, immobile in a crowd of thrashing and flailing. The small imp's bearing told Athinar that something else was controlling it, because most didn't stand stock-still, calmly. When Torrens approached, Athinar was curious. He wasn't in the group, originally, but oh well. He'd take what he could get. Raising an open hand, and then crushing it, Athinar got everyone's attention, and hopefully quelled any arguments that the cat and the slippery bastard demon had. [color=FireBrick][b]"Now my plan is threefold! Our objective? Get the city under our control, mostly intact, and subjugate the people. How to accomplish this, you may ask? Simple! One! The main force of Shukra's Orcs, led by Azavarn, will surround the city, to prevent any from escaping. Two! The rest of our forces will march openly on the city, attracting as much attention as possible, and led by Shukra, but joined by Torrens. Three! Umbra, Narza, Darkwraith Kor and myself will attempt to infiltrate the city while it's emptied of defenses. If they do not come out to attack, our goal will be to open the gates, and clear the walls."[/b][/color] He smiled evilly. [color=FireBrick][b]"We have to take the city mostly intact, but the Temple, we raze. Can't have the people rallying there. The Manor, we try our best to keep in one piece, but we will have to clear it out."[/b][/color] Cocking his head, curiously, he looked over the group. [color=FireBrick][b]"Any questions or suggestions?"[/b][/color]