Narza cheers at the end of Anthinar's speech, running a hand through Athinar's hair absently. Although Narza wasn't too focused on the success of the plan, she understood that she wouldn't be allowed to indiscriminately kill the townies, meaning that only the priests from the temple would be up for grabs. Luckily, the plan placed her directly at the temple, and even better, they'd be killing the priests as one big group! From Derrik's sly and logical point of view, the plan was also tactically sound, and he had no objections to voice to Narza. [color=6ecff6]"I like it! I call the souls of everyone that dies though."[/color] Narza announces carefully, making sure everyone was clear on that. She glares at Azavarn for good measure, since the guy did funny things with souls that prevented her from eating them.[i][color=6ecff6]I don't trust his hat, it's too curvy.[/color][/i] Narza thinks to herself, narrowing her eyes at the demon.