[center][b]SONODA YUKA - METALLICA WEAPON[/b][/center] "Ms. Sonoda, please take a seat." She complied with little fuss, quietly settling down onto the hard wooden chair before her headmaster's desk. Maplewood, to be exact. It was cool to the touch, a solid reminder of her presence in this room of authority. This was the office of the most powerful man in the school, the very symbol of the influence held within the being currently steepled over a grand table, eyes boring into hers! It would be here where her fate would be decided, where a resolution would be found for her shocking act of descending three storeys from a class window! "[color=ed145b]Sir.[/color]" >>The well-groomed beard, properly-done cravat, the intelligence lying within those eyes ... it is evident that this atmosphere is no mere illusion! You, headmaster, are truly a figure of respect and authority! I must ensure that you do not unveil my identity from this meeting, no matter how much competence you may possess! What do you suspect me of? A delinquent whose actions were made with impunity? A girl desiring death? A madwoman let loose in a prestigious academy of education? I am here to learn the truth, and that is your pursuit as well. The headmaster sighed, his body seemingly releasing built-up tension. It was a sigh of exasperation, of a man who had dealt with far too many crazy Neo-Tokyo schemes in his life. It was the sigh of a man who sought refuge from the madness in his duties as a headmaster, but also one who had his ambitions crushed by the presence of the strange in his new life! In her own search for salvation from the forces of Cerebral Intelligentsia, the second Sonoda Yuka had doomed this school to the chaos that her presence brought! "I've tried to get in touch with your parents," said the man finally, watching Yuka with the eyes of a tired hawk. "They haven't been answering any of our calls. Do you know why, Ms. Sonoda?" "[color=ed145b]They are away.[/color]" Such a blunt and succinct reply was not one the headmaster was expecting! "They are," he continued, caught slightly off-guard. "Do you ... know when they'll return?" "[color=ed145b]No.[/color]" >>One day I shall discover the whereabouts of my true parents, of my identity before all was shrouded in fierce darkness, but until then, I know nothing of those responsible for bringing me into being. It is a shame then, that I must forge identities for my parents so that I can attend this school without suspicion! Her highschool's principal shook his head. "I need to talk to them," he stressed. "You're only eighteen; you have much in your future. You can't just jump out of windows!" "[color=ed145b]Understood.[/color]" >>Had I been an eighteen year old like my compatriots, I would have truly understood your wishes, but I cannot, for my duty to protect cannot be overridden by such restrictions, restrictions that do little to ensure my own safety! I am not so fragile that a mere three-storey drop is enough to destroy me. "Ms. Sonoda, I need you to work with us-" Alarms rang. Yuka's posture straightened. She was no longer slacking, leaning back into her chair like a bored, lazy student. There could only be one reason for the alarms, and it was not a drill. An attack was coming, and she knew that it was likely that Cerebral Intelligentsia was responsible! >>I must ensure the safety of all in this school! Sir, please partake in the evacuations to the shelters! She stood up with a start. The headmaster was already preparing everything necessary to take down to the bomb shelters beneath their school. Had she been another student, Sonoda Yuka would have followed, but she was already striding out the door and down the hallway, ignoring the shouts of secretaries or her headmaster to stop. Her time had come. An enemy was at the gates, and it was her duty to answer. Her rapid footsteps took her to the rooftop. Perfect. >>It is time. She leapt, diving off the edge. The winds grew. A tornado of energy seemed to consume her. "[b][color=ed145b]HENSHIN![/color][/b]" Steel rang against concrete. Light flashed from the dust. Metallica Weapon triumphant, rose to meet the world. [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jn0BZ0bRVA][i]FIGHT METALLICA WEAPON! FOR EVERLASTING PEACE![/i][/url][/center]