[@Markofkri] Noticed your post on the IC. Like the title says, I'm willing to accept a few more people. There's a bug on RPGuild where once you set the status to "Full" like I did, you can't change it back. We're not actually full. That being said, if you want to join then make a sheet OOC for approval and then transfer it over to the character section, don't just hop into the IC. [quote=@Maxwell57] Name:Grishnak-Gorlap Physical Form: Orc(LOTR style) He is 5 feet tall on the tips of his toes and has a slender build. One ear his septum and both nipples are adorned with piercings of bone and wood, He also is bald ;p. Abilities: Excels with spear and sheild but can hold his own with a sword Personality:Grishnak is boisterous orc loud and abnoxious as is common with his race He cares for little else but plunder and his own life. T Wants/Needs: Grishnak is hell bent on earning is lot in life whether in plunder or in blood, he also fancies him self as a self made cheiftain in the ranks of the orcs. Backstory: Grishnak was raised in the breeding pens of Dol Guldor he spent his early life learning the heirarchy of goblin society figuring out his place in the world. By the time he could walk he was put on the war party raiding and plundering the man villages to close to the mountain. Occasionally stealing from a troll but that was just adolscent adventure. When the master began calling the clans Grishnaks whent along with everyone else greedy at the prospect of new gold and possibly earning a better name for them selves. And here they are in the middle of a vast horde of chaos and evil about to pour over the rim onto a peacefull land... [/quote] Accepted, you can put that in the character section. :sun [quote=@Elitestpotato] This is what happens when we let new people in. [/quote] We have Tinkerhel, Yappo, and Wold all inactive now, so I figured we may as well replace them. Managing so many characters in a RP is actually proving to be easier than I thought, so we really probably could have upwards of twenty people, but don't worry. I don't want this to get too crowded. =P [@PhoenixFire] So now that we have your sheet we just need to figure out a good way to introduce Xallihion IC. Currently there's four characters that are plotting to invade a dwarven outpost. Perhaps Xallihion is a prisoner there, and they let him go and he comes back to dungeon with them? *shrug* I'm open to any ideas that you have. We could just have him wander over the Dungeon himself and offer his services.