[hr][h1][i][color=Orangered]Maxine Mariah Carter[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Alan Hawke][@Viscerous][/sub][hr] [color=Orangered]"The [i]fuck[/i]?"[/color] The young drug dealer asked no one in particular as this little [i]shit[/i] decided to walk in on them. It was supposed to be simple. Maxine and Alexis meet behind the school dorms, where no one goes, Alexis gives Maxine the money, Maxine gives Alexis the drugs. How all her deals went. At least, that's how she wished they went. This time, some little brat - who didn't look like he was old enough for his balls to drop - walked into the deal. For reasons beyond her. Which meant, she was at high risk of getting busted. And at this point, her father is pretty much ready to let her rot in a prison cell. Which is why Maxine needed to turn this in her favor. He was just a kid - dumb and impulsive - so swaying him to look the other way would be easy. That frown turned upside down, as Maxine put her hands up, [color=Orangered]"Hey, hey, hey, no need to escalate things here."[/color] She smirked a bit. Alexis said some things about it "not being his business" which is something you [i]don't[/i] say if you wanted to keep things calm. [color=Orangered][i]What? Do you think he'll walk off because you said[/i] that [i]to him?[/i][/color] Maxine thought to herself. Looks like she'll be taking matters into her own hands. She slowly approached the boy, with her hands up ([color=Orangered][i]If he tries anything, then I'll just kick his candy-ass.[/i][/color]) in an attempt to show that, no, she didn't want to attack him. [color=Orangered]"Heeeeeey, honey,"[/color] Maxine said to him. [color=Orangered]"We're all trying to make ends-meat here."[/color] She got really close to him, and looked him right in the eyes. She reached into the pocket of her jeans, and pulled out a ten dollar bill. She pushed it into his pockets. [color=Orangered]"So about you take this little gift, and forget about everything you saw here, babe?"[/color] Sure, she was losing a bit of money - but in the long run, it was worth.