While Shukra's face remained impassive as stone, behind that neat little mask was a burning anger that told him to get to that dungeon and wring the creature's neck. But, he would not give Athinar the satisfaction of getting under his skin. No, no, he had a better way. One that did not involve him getting under the Master's skin at the same time. And the fire demon, Torrens, gave him just the opportunity to do so. It was a poor excuse, one that he was currently attempting to build off of in his head while the others spoke, until he could piece together an argument. Or, rather, a thinly veiled order of how things were going to work. Finally, he smiled, and laced his fingers together so that his hands performed an arch. [color=f26522]"The plan, while it lacks in the department of details, is sound. But, as Torrens said, my orcs are not loyal to those who do not prove their strength. I respect Azavarn and what he does, certainly, but orcs respect brawn, not brain. They may follow you, Athinar, but for that to happen, you'd have to kill me first. So, for now, they listen to me, and only to me. Try to put them under another's command, and they'll do as they please. Now, I [i]suppose[/i] I could order them to follow someone else. But, I won't."[/color] He tapped the claws of his middle fingers together, raked his gaze across the group, and then continued. [color=f26522]"While you are in charge of the raid and the forces of the dungeon for that raid, which includes us, my forces are not of the dungeon, and not under the influence of any but myself. Meaning, you have no authority over where I place them or what I do with them. I could show up all on my lonesome, and I would be completely justified. I wouldn't, as my selfishness and pettyness would cause the Master to gain ire against me, however I will not place my men under your [i]tender[/i] care simply because you are an opportunist."[/color] Shukra stroked his chin, tugging at the long fur beneath. [color=f26522]"But this is all assuming that the orcs [i]need[/i] a commander on their asses the entire time. Order them to make an unbreakable perimeter, and that is exactly what they will do. One of us does not need to sit and hold their hands for them to do the job that is given to them. If they did, then they would not be worth our attention, let alone potential servants and troops."[/color] He was finished now, reclining back in his chair. While Athinar might not agree, that did not quite matter. Shukra had made his point clear. The creature could tell [i]him[/i] what to do, but there was not a way in this world that he would get his grubby hands on anything that was Shukra's. Not to mention he didn't trust Azavarn as far as he could throw him. Deals would be made. He trusted his orcs in battle, trusted their strength. But their wills and minds were weak. Loyal they may be, but a promise of power could do in even the most loyal of servants.