[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qi8vLs2.jpg[/img][/center] [i]We as the human race would fight and bicker among each other over the slightest things... a bit funny, isn't it? Since the time that we could walk we would kill and lay waste to each other over petty things such as territory and religion, even putting our ideals on the line while at the same time back at home our people would fight over trivial things. Justice… equality… hunger… appearances… whether someone died for the right cause or not... Anything you could imagine with your insignificant head we fought over... and many died. You would think for such an advance race compared to all the primitive animals that were alive at the time that we’d be far better, wouldn't we? No. The truth was that we were nothing than primates ourselves; animals who could not go beyond our differences to unite and join one another and create a better world. In the end, we just destroyed our planet through both war and pollution… but I suppose you too know that, don't you? But now, we have out civilization back... we have everything that we want to protect. Though, we all still remember in the year 2267 when our world was nothing more than a nuclear dump with only a few patches of habitable lands left. It wasn't until a man with technology unlike any other finally united the Earth forces under a single banner through brute force by killing anyone who opposed him did we finally become whole. He built an impenetrable fortress and had his forces cultivate and secure whatever lands could be saved by using devices meant to preserve the lands that were untainted by the countless wars we held. Communities were built within these lands, before steps to move forward were introduced. In the year 2321, the man who united Earth led expeditions from Earth to cultivate new planets with flagships each containing the newest development; the FrameWerks. These were powerful mechanized piloted units that can only be used by a select few individuals after years of training, but they allowed us to conquer planets with ease. For years we slowly captured planets and things were working, we were finally at peace and enjoying things for we thought we were alone in the universe. Or so we had thought... Years had passed and in the year 2578, we finally lost communication with a human colony on our outer rim all of a sudden. At first, we thought it was just an error with the signal… until seconds later another colony tuned in and told us that they were being attacked. We suddenly found ourselves thrown into a war with an unknown alien race for years, with all of our communications being cut off with all of our outer rim planets. Despite all the reinforcements we sent, we never heard from them… we could only assume the worst had happened. It was only in the year of 2590 that we finally were able to make establish contact with one of our outer rim planets due to the efforts of the man who united Earth who was dedicated on find out what happened... but what we had found, was something far, far worse than discovering hell itself. [/i] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RDfy06e.jpg[/img][/center] [i]They were slain by an alien race called the Cruxi… and they had technology and firepower that was on a whole new level compared to us. Beam weapons, ships that were faster, soldiers that had barriers… you name it, they probably had it. However, their numbers weren’t as vast as ours. So we threw ourselves at them in order to keep them at bay, and to keep them from reaching more of our home worlds. Though a strategy like that can only last so long until all of humanity starts to believe that we’re fighting a losing war… but that’s where you come in, kid. You’re here to clean up our petty mistakes of our pasts as adults and to fight our battle. That’s the sad truth of the matter. Remember how I mentioned those Frameworks earlier, right? Well, you along with others around your age have been chosen to pilot experimental Frameworks in hopes of turning the tides of this war. Truth be told, I don’t envy you… because I feel you’re going to be thrown straight into the horrors of things kid… I just pray you make it out of this alive, even if we don’t.[/i] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82609-hearts-of-metal-a-giant-robot-mecha-rp/ooc]Interest Check[/url] Welcome to Hearts of Metal (or HoM for short), an RP inspired by Neon Genesis Evangelion. If you wish to join in, here's the character sheets: [hider=Pilot Sheet]Pilot Sheet [List] [*][b]Name[/b]: What do people call you? [*][b]Appearance[/b]: What do you look like? [*][b]Age[/b]: Between the ages available (14-16), what is your given age? [*][b]Personality[/b]: Tell me how you act around others. [*][b]Motive to live[/b]: Why are you fighting? Is it because you are forced to? or are you fighting for someone else? [*][b]Background[/b]: Tell me about yourself. [*][b]Notable Deaths[/b]: This is an interesting field that will be explained in due time. Who among your friends and family have died since the War? Everyone must have at least one Notable Death. [*][b]Other things[/b]: If there is anything else you believe that needs telling, say so here. [/List][/hider] [hider=Framewerk Sheet]Framewerk Sheet [List] [*][b]Framewerk Code Name[/b]: All Frames are given unit numbers based on production code, however the ones we are piloting are given actual names since they are rumored to be sentient beings. What is your Frames' name? [*][b]Appearance[/b]: Fairly obvious. Pictures are preferred, but text descriptions are also fine. [*][b]Signature Weapon System[/b]: What is your Framewerk’s signature weapon at all times; the stuff it can’t trade away since it is built in. This is essentially your Framewerk's bread and butter at all times. This is something that makes your machine unique from all others. You could have a Frame with four-arms capable of using multiple weapons, or a Frame using attack drones, or perhaps an artillery based Frame that can cause destruction from afar... or say you'd rather stay in the rear and snipe things from afar, or one that charges into the front-lines with a melee weapon. These are such examples, and this will be your primary fighting style. [*][b]Secondary Weapon System[/b]: This is the Framework’s other weapons; another weapon it can’t trade away since it is built in. These are light-weight weapons and other attachments that are instrumental for missions. These can be support drones, back up cannons, barriers, additional subsystems or something else. [*][b]Armor Type[/b]: Framewerks can be anything from lightweight speedsters to heavyweight tanks. What type of armor does your Framewerk have? Note that it should be kept realistic; if you want more offensive power and flight speed, you will have to sacrifice some armor to do so, for example. Other combinations of attributes are also possible. All Framewerks are equipped with thrusters capable of space-travel. [*][b]Special Ability[/b]: All Frameworks have a special and unique ability that they possess that makes them powerful weapons of war... however, they haven't been unlocked yet. So, for now, keep this section blank. [/list][/hider] Anyway, feel free to post comments, discuss things, or whatever your heart's content here. _____________________________________________________________________________________ [hider=Synchronization Ratio Information] The higher one's synchro rate is the more in tune one feels with their Framewerk- the more it feels like it's an extension of one's body rather than just a hunk of metal covering you and protecting you as a tool. You will feel as if you and the Framewerk are 'one and the same' rather than you controlling something. 95%+ you unlock the special ability of your Framewerk; it's true power. 90-94% and onward is when you can hear noises from the experimental Framewerk... almost like you are no longer alone on the battlefield. How you handle this is dependent on your characters. From 80-89% you would feel that the Framewerk is like your own body and that you can perform things you couldn't before. 65-79% is roughly, give or take, the average synch ratio of most Pilots who have piloted a Framework after many years- those who fall into this ranking are usually those who have survived a few fights against the Cruxi. To start here it does not at all mean you are lacking, but it means are you in fact stronger than the average soldier by a long mile. Being pilots who aged 14-16 and are able to pull off this synch ratio is a gift. You are able to pull off well-thought out maneuvers and move in ways that would take soldiers years to pull off. 40-64% is where the Framewerk will start to feel clunky and begin to feel more and more like a burden and a tool as you reach the 40% tile. You will have to pilot your Framewerk more by 'force' rather than as an extension of your body than anything else. 1-40% or the danger zone. At most times this is where your Framewerk will begin to go into a 'lag' state of mind, or will halt it's orders and proceed to do things of its own. Usually this is because the Pilot is in a ill-state of mind or unconscious, but there are unknown reasons that have been yet to discovered for this odd behavior in the experimental Frameworks. Nonetheless, it is highly advised that the pilot is evacuated immediately... before the next state is activated. -1~100% is the negative synchro rate, something that rarely happens, but can happen. As a pilot's state of mind deteriorates on the battlefield, the experimental Framewerks will respond to this as a result in order to protect their pilot and enter a state of mind called "CULLING". The Framewerk will enter a Berserk-like state and proceed to destroy and eliminate everything that it deems an immediate threat to the pilot's sanity and safety in order to keep them safe, even if it means killing allies or foes alike. What does mean is the Framewerk itself will take control and proceed to rampage on the battlefield. ____________________________________________________ Everyone's synchro rates upon starting a mission start at what is given in my previous post, so you may want to keep that in your character sheets somewhere, but they may or may not decrease depending on their state of mind during the battle or what is happening... or if something has happened to them beforehand. After each mission, depending on how well the mission went, I'll tell everyone how well their Synchro rate improved depending on how their 'mental' state has improved based based upon a die roll, although I may or may not add or subtract modifiers if things went extremely well or extremely poorly to give it a more 'Evangelion' and 'Mass Effect' feel. Remember, we are at war here against a very powerful race that has us pushed into a corner... so things may or may not go as planned, and how you all handle that in situations like that will effect your characters mental strain. This is, after all, a RP that can quickly switch be a calm to be horrific on the fly. So how your characters handle that will be tricky. The numbers I gave you are hard synchro rates; they are the rates you'll start combat with. In combat your synchro will be soft, and prone to fluctuations depending on what happens to the Frame and inside the pilot's head. Once combat is over the hard synchro will change depending on how the soft synchro behaved. For someone to achieve negative hard synchro means the pilot has gone at least slightly mentally disturbed or the Frame smashed into a cube/ripped apart. [/hider] Some ground-rules: 1. Please wait for at least two posts before making a new post. 2. If you need to be absent for a while due to real-life issues or anything else, please inform in the thread or through a PM so I'll know. Thank you for being a cool guy. 3. Collaboration is recommended for dialogue and/or combat between characters. [url=https://titanpad.com/]Titanpad[/url] is a good place to make them, for example. 4. Military rules apply (no possession of weaponry or sharp objects while in the base, superiors must be greeted with sir or their respective rank and so on...) 5. Have fun, and ask me if there's anything on your mind.