[@Mr Allen J][@Viscerous] [color=0072bc]"I assume you're the same dealer that I've been hearing all about, huh?"[/color] Glenn asked Maxine, [color=0072bc]"I imagined you more... rough looking--and a guy for that matter. Huh, guess all dealers aren't the same as their stereotypes."[/color] He continued speaking with an almost mocking tone. He then proceeded to reach into his pocket to take the ten dollar bill back out and--with the same hand--lightly push Maxine away from him, as he was able to smell the drugs she had on her the closer she got to him. [color=0072bc]"Take your drug money back. I'm not going to let you just deal to the students anymore."[/color] He then really wish he hadn't had said that, as now he predicted she would say something among the lines of [i]How are you going to stop me?[/i] Realizing that he was now in a bad position, he folded his arms nervously as his palms began to sweat. His eyes then glanced over Alexis for a moment, unsure what to say to her--and frankly unsure if he should say anything else.