[hr][h1][i][color=Orangered]Maxine Mariah Carter[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Alan Hawke][/sub][hr] [color=orangered][i]Oh goody, we got yourselves a[/i] hero.[/color] Maxine thought to herself with a casual roll of her eyes. She took a few steps back, and put her hand into her pocket, pulling out a carton of cigarettes. She slid one cigarette in between her lips, before lighting it with a cigarette. The smoke flowed upwards, as she spoke about this predicament she found herself in. [color=Orangered]"Who knows what you heard, kid. There's a lot of dealers on block..."[/color] She trailed off, taking a puff of her cigarette, [color=Orangered]"... People need their fix, and I'm just giving it to them."[/color] The boy was dense. Probably dense enough to see that he's talking to a drug dealer that could kick his candy ass up and down the street. But, no, that wouldn't accomplish a thing. He'd just seek her out and she'd get busted for assault [i]and[/i] distributing drugs. No, no, violence won't solve a thing. She'd have to actively convince him to give up. That'd be easy. Well, she didn't think fucking him would bode well. So, she thought about just straight up tricking him into thinking she'll stop. A little deception won't harm anyone. [color=Orangered]"[i]Ugh![/i]"[/color] She loudly exclaimed, forcing anger. She clenched her fists, and furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him. [color=Orangered]"Let me guess... your stubborn ass isn't going to give up if I just ask [i]nicely[/i]?"[/color] She asked him, taking another puff of her cigarette. [color=Orangered]"If you won't tell anyone about what you saw here, then I'll stop, okay?"[/color] [hr][h1][i][color=Gold]Lin Baozai[/color][/i][/h1][hr] [i]She's so hot, I want to get with her[/i] so [i]badly. So sexy, and Asian.... I'd fuck her for days....[/i] The thought appeared in the young Lin's head, which made her head rotate to the source - a young boy, Caucasian, black hair, - before quickly turning her head, and pulling a few strands of hair in her field vision in order to block the boy. [color=gold][i]He was thinking about me. Such perverse thoughts.[/i][/color] She thought to herself, cringing in the process. She looked down... and never felt so dirty in her life. What were these strange voices appearing in her head? Were they thoughts, just as she theorized? She didn't know why she was hearing the- [i]Oh boy, here comes Chinatown. I wonder who's dick she had to suck to get in here...[/i] More mean thoughts, this time, coming from a African American girl - yeah, tall, and had really curly hair like an afro - that Lin recognized as one of the cheerleaders. Lin's eyes shot towards the girl, worryingly, before she turned forward. [color=gold][i]What is happening? Why...[/i][/color] She asked herself, before the wave of thoughts hit her. Almost like that questioned opened a damn, and everything was flowing in at once. [i]Hey, wanna pull that prank? Did you hear about what he said on facebook, so rude. I hope my boyfriend isn't cheating on me. I want to go buy a PS4 so I can get Destiny and play it all night. I have a boner. If I find out who stole my acne creme, they'll be blo- [/i] [color=gold]"St-s-[i][b]stop![/b][/i] Shut up, all of you, [i][b]please![/b][/i]"[/color] Lin screamed, as she finally dropped to her knees and grasped the sides of her head. After that outburst, Lin looked around. The room went silent... and not in the way Lin wanted it to be. [i]Hey is she alright? What's wrong with her? Is she going crazy?[/i] It went on and on. It seemed like there was no way out. Lin looked around, and stood straight up. Dusting off her green T-shirt with inky-black palm trees on it, and her jeans. She casually strolled off into the bathroom, and slammed it shut behind her. Lin looked around, and saw urinals - a sure sign that she just walked into the boys bathroom. She didn't care at this point. Lin walked over to one of the sinks, and started running water. She splashed some water onto her face, then rubbed it in. [color=gold]"What is wrong with me...?"[/color] She asked herself. [hr][h1][i][color=lawngreen]Tanya Liberty Lamont[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@RealityDoor][/sub][hr] The shiny feather reflected sunlight as Tanya examined it, casually. She was leaning back in her chair, with her feet kicked up onto the desk. Thank God the class room was empty, Mr. Winglington would shit if he saw her. Especially with her shoes off. She was wondering where did this unique feather come from. It just... fell off of her. This was truly unlike anything she's seen before. Well, it'd be pretty bitching glued to her guitar case! Holding onto the feather, Tanya pulled her feet off the table, and then put them onto the floor, sliding them into her sandals. She stood up, and looked down to pick up her guitar, lazily leaning up against the desk chair. She slung it over her shoulder by the strap, and slid the feather into the breast pocket of her dress shirt. She looked down and adjusted her black skirt, and began walking out of the room. Immediately being bombarded with the noise and chatter of the crowded hallway. She casually smirked as she pushed through the chaos without a single soul paying her any mind. They were busy, and so was she.... relatively speaking. She'd need to head over to the other side of the school to the dorms. She stepped out of the Educational building, facing the front of the school (With students all over the place), and was hit with the sly autumn breeze... Another reminder that Summer was [i]looooong[/i] pushed out. She enjoyed it actually. Her toes curled on top of her sandals as she took one step, two steps, three steps, looking around, seeing not a soul she associated with, or wanted to talk to. Tanya shrugged as she moved forward towards the dorms. A strong breeze interrupted her stride as the feather she found flew out of her breast pocket. [color=lawngreen]"Hey! Get back here!"[/color] Tanya said, in a thick Jamaican accent, (to the feather) as she quickly chased after it. The feather landed at some young girl's feet, and Tanya quickly put her foot on the feather, and reached down to pick it up. She smirked as she stood straight up - but didn't realize that she was standing in front of someone. Who was probably just enjoying their evening. Well, looks like she'll have to say [i]something[/i] to her. [color=lawngreen]"Oh, hey there, girl. How ya' doing?"[/color] Tanya chuckled, her accent was thick. [color=lawngreen]"I was just trying to catch this thing."[/color] She presented the glowing feather to the girl, a wide smirk on her face. [color=lawngreen]"Cool, isn't it?"[/color]