[h3][color=DarkKhaki]Jonathan[/color][/h3] "Hmmm, what to do, what to do..." Jonathan mumbled to himself silently as he was in his own thoughts walking down the hallway. He didn't feel like going to practice and besides missing a day wouldn't be that bad to his record, he'll just use an excuse for it latter. Jonathan thought to himself silently as he contemplated what to do in the mean time. Turning on his phone the music in his ears was beating through his earbuds, from the downloaded songs that played silently. There wasn't much for him to do anything that was interesting and lying in his room didn't appeal to him at all at the moment, so walking around the academy was the best thing he could think of. Maybe he'll find something interesting- [color=0072bc]"Wow, dealin' drugs? What are you--a sixth grader on a playground?"[/color] [color=Orangered]"Hey, hey, hey, no need to escalate things here. We're all trying to make ends-meat here. So about you take this little gift, and forget about everything you saw here, babe?"[/color] Well Jonathan got what he wanted as he saw what was probably a drug deal as he noticed Maxine who he know was a dealer and honestly didn't surprise him. He leaned on the opposite locker of where the scene was happening and watched them nonchalantly as he switched his playing songs with another in his playlist. It seemed like she was having a hard time with a snooping peer of theirs, but even he seemed to be nervous, which wasn't a good thing if your trying to turn someone in for dealing drugs. Ugh, this was such a drag for him as Jonathan didn't feel like stepping in for a kid who turned this into his own mess. [color=darkkhaki]'Like, seriously just let the addicts buy their drugs from the dealers and they can do their thing while we do ours, but nope there's always a guy wanting to step in. God why can't life be simpler!'[/color] He rolled his eyes as he thought to himself silently watching the trio. [color=0072bc]"I assume you're the same dealer that I've been hearing all about, huh? I imagined you more... rough looking--and a guy for that matter. Huh, guess all dealers aren't the same as their stereotypes. Take your drug money back. I'm not going to let you just deal to the students anymore." [/color] After hearing this he laughed to himself silently. [color=darkkhaki]"What is this kid doing?! Yeah this is his problem and not mine but lets see what happens and besides no good comes out of this for the most part. I hope he knows there are more dealers to try and bust you know?"[/color] He said under his breath, looking at them one before back down at his phone and opening a candy gem app which he played while waiting with boredom. [color=Orangered]"Let me guess... your stubborn ass isn't going to give up if I just ask [i]nicely[/i]? If you won't tell anyone about what you saw here, then I'll stop, okay?"[/color] [color=darkkhaki]'Hah... it seemed likes she's kind of desperate. Hopefully this kind doesn't actually believe this girl, if he does that will be funny.'[/color] Jonathan thought to himself, smiling at the thought as his earbuds were now looped and were hanging from his ears. He was now listened to their conversation while he swiped the screen of his phone, scoring a decent amount of points in the game he was playing with the sound at a very low volume. But so far, nothing interesting seemed to be happening worth his time and he estimated after 10 minutes or so he'll leave if nothing happened within that time. [hr] [h3][color=cadetblue] Vincent [/color][/h3] [@Viscerous] [color=cadetblue]"Haha, Alright see you latter then I guess!"[/color] Jonathan said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead as he took deep heavy breaths, he was tired from practicing but it was fun and it was cool. He had early practice today and with his open schedule he had his schedule mostly open as he complete all his necessary classes last year with some help which barely made him complete them. Now this year he was mostly free with the exception of Volleyball which was his sport, but besides that nothing else. Leaving the gymnasium, he grabbed quickly grabbed his bag and water bottle before running outside with his dark blue gym shorts that was slightly above his knees of a couple inches but it was comfortable and allowed him to move during the game so he didn't mind. He covered his mouth briefly as he yawned, before he started off to run back to his dorm to change out of these gym clothes that he was wearing which honestly he didn't mind wearing but he wanted to dress better as he had something to do later. The ground beneath his feet, crunched as his powerful strides pushed him forward as he looked back waving to his slow friend who tried to keep up with him who ultimately failed. As he looked forward and turned the corner before he noticed a guy turning the corner at the same time. [color=cadetblue]'Oh, shi-'[/color] He couldn't even finished the thought as he tried to slow down his final step but science said 'No!' so Vincent came crashing into the other boy probably knocking the two of them both to the ground. With them both landing awkwardly with Ehster and him on a thankfully grassy area. [color=cadetblue]"Sorry man, are you okay? God, that must of hurt"[/color] Vince said with a groan as he lay on the grass looking at his bag which was sprawled away several feet from him and the water bottle with it. Deciding to finally get up, he groaned once more as he pushed himself up before reaching out a hand for the other boy. [color=cadetblue]"Again, sorry but here let me help you up!"[/color] He said smiling sheepishly while with a hand rubbing his head in a apologetic way and another hand reaching out to help him up.