[b]Name[/b]: Cold stare [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/f25a/i/2012/270/b/8/undead_knight_by_michifromkmk-d5g2uhd.jpg[/img] Physical form: Manifestation of 6ft incorporeal image hovering 3 inches off the ground. [b]Abilities[/b]: Necrotizing fasciitis in 3ft diameter when manifested. Moves threw physical barriers. Ghost blade ignores physical barriers, plunged into the living removes the warmth of life. Person actually dies of hypothermia with no physical wound. The air grows cold on his approach and plants wilt only when manifested. Invisible when not manifested. Can be repelled from a area, and blocked from manifesting for 24 hours. Able to see the life force of the living. The dead are invisible, he only sees what he wants to. Has the dead traits of being immune to sleep, poison, death, physical damage, disease, charm, illusion, and additional curses. [b]Personality[/b]: Cold. [b]Desires/Goals[/b]: Driven by the single goal Murdering the human race that let him die in the street. Only in the face of horror do humans find their nobler selves. I will bring them fear as they will never forget. [b]Back story[/b]: Once a champion of the people. This knight of justice fought on their behalf slaying all who would prey on the innocent. No matter the odds this champion would ride forth and right the wrong. Not for king, or queen, but the people. Bandits, thieves, corrupt royalty, cowardly guards, it mattered little to him. Steel was the scales of justice he used to exact forgiveness from the wrong. After one such crusade against the corrupt band of mercenaries exacting a protection toll (some from the very flesh of the villages youth) in a farming village, this champion put the sword to these villains. Heavily out numbered and taking some cross bow fire he prevailed. Mortally wounded he asked the people for help. The village closed there doors and let him die in the street. The fear they had lived with for so long stayed even after the threat was gone. With his dying breath he cursed, not them but himself for believing that good deeds sowed the seed of fellowship. The villagers later dragged him and the mercenaries to the woods at the edge of town and left them to rot. Years later he arose, from his own death after his body was eaten by scavengers. Cursed to never know peace by his own soul, by the people he devoted his life to protect, by the gods.