Demon CS ____________________ Soul Name: * Soul Meaning: (Feel free to make it up) Demon Class: (Fallen Angel, Vampire, Guardian or Ghoul) Magic Class: (Optional 85% of demons have one) ** Appearance: Other: (Anything else you want noted) * A demon's soul name is literally the true name of their soul. It is the very name of the essence of their being and comes from the language of the demons. To even speak the name is to speak the pure truth of the person's core being. ( [url][/url] ) ** 85% of demons have a magic class. These people have the ability to manipulate their soul's energy to perform certain acts and abilities. 1) Flames of Hell- You can create and manipulate fire, as well as shoot lighting bolts. You are also fireproof. 2) Death Reaping- You can control dead creatures (including humans) and force them to do your bidding. However you can not stop them from decomposing and they are mindless puppets 3) Soul Shredding- The rarest of the abilities. You can fracture your soul and leave a part of it in an inanimate object to bring it to life, or put it in a human to posses them. You can control them, or let them be autonomous and see through their eyes and communicate with your puppets telepathically. The amount of control you have depends on the amount of soul you put into the object/person. However, you can never gain that part of your soul back. It will be forever detached from you (basically imagine you start with a pack of 100 rechargeable batteries. They can individually replenish their energy but can never be put back in their original box). 4) Guardian's Blessing (All guardians have it)- You are ten times stronger than other demons and have skin as tough as tanned leather (if you have skin). 5) Telekinesis- You have the ability to read other's minds, and access their every thought and feeling. None can lie to you because you can read their very being. Only a Telepathic Demon can tell someone their soul name. 6) Temptation- You have the ability to seduce mortals endlessly. Your smell, your looks everything will appear as if you are perfect for their weak mortal bodies. To fall in love with you is to develop an unquenchable addiction, no matter how you treat them or talk to them. Their free will melts when you access this ability and they become your loving servants. It only works though if you are their preferred gender. 7) Illusions- You can create illusions in people's minds to change how they see reality. You can make people see you as looking different, or make them think the scene around them is wholly different.